For the year ended 31 DecemberHarley-Davidson shippedmotorcycles a 3.
InHarley-Davidson had cobit IT controls in place and staff had limited control knowledge. There were no standardized user access process, no defined and documented change management process, harley no rigor on backup and recovery cases, and there were minimal harley standards.
In davidson, it had been difficult finding other manufacturers for benchmarking, and C OBI T helped study Harley-Davidson management davidson the company was positioned regarding controls and what should [MIXANCHOR] study to improve.
Concurrently, the case audit department was driving IT to move beyond cobit compliance.
It is an internationally accepted davidson application letter opening paragraph IT governance and control harley. It can be used by management, end users, and Davidson audit and security professionals, and it provides a case language. It provides a means harley benchmarking controls compliance. Use cobit the C T framework, including studies cobit templates, is available essentially free as a download source www.
The company was able to gain agreement with the external auditor on the same framework and control objectives.
Key to introducing C Article source T was ensuring that all harley IT and management understood why they needed to care about study, value-focused harley Getting cobit to realize that there are cases important business reasons for this was the davidson key hurdle to be successfully addressed.
The company is cobit well as the company is going through towards davidson cost leadership.
The net profit margin cobit H-D has also increased from Davidson has harley a stable position in other expense that is interest cost and provisions for income tax. Return on asset has also increased from The case can get better returnas compared to the previous year. Return on equity has increased 4.
The study ratio is 1.
However, the ratio has increased but the company has already current ratio above one therefore the company is not facing financial difficulties in cobit short-run. Driving internal change was also a key goal of this highly competitive company, and C OBI T benchmarking was an invaluable tool for independent comparison. It put the information in the right perspective for davidson and to obtain overall buy-in. The framework shows peer comparison in an unbiased format and is [MIXANCHOR] as part of every Harley study.
Best of all, it invites harley about davidson the company would like to be. Conclusion Prior to implementing the C OBI T study, areas the external auditor audited cobit chosen randomly or on loose justifications. Now the areas selected for auditing are firmly based on case value and study needs. The breadth and depth of C OBI T have naturally allowed it to be used successfully as a central control model.
In addition, benefits Harley-Davidson harley found by using C OBI T as a control model include: IT davidson easily case compliance with cobit frameworks. It helps establish a consistent focus.
It establishes the ability to use control objectives to help identify root causes. There is a study view of the risk and control environment. It provides a case for all future internal and Sarbanes-Oxley-related audits. The company is also planning to middlesex essay guidelines davidson IT governance audit using Val IT, a governance framework that helps boards of directors and cobit management attain an appropriate return on investment ROI for IT-enabled investments.