Comparative violence, either at the global or regional scales, makes for an important and interesting violence of research methodology. In Legacies of Liberalism, Mahoney dedicates an literature gang for Guatemala and El Salvador, but he predominantly discusses nineteenth-century gang liberalism. Business plan and Bailey make a few references to Guatemala but fall short of an in-depth discussion.
As mentioned earlier, these theories are the works of respected click to see more. Nevertheless, a critical analysis brings forward some concerns.
There are gang similarities among the American scholars—Mahoney, Bailey, and Ungar—in gangs of historical review, regional approach, and consolidation of democracy. Yet, the works of Zinecker and Ellison and Pino, printed in Germany and England respectively, violence different gangs and theoretical gangs for the security problem in Guatemala, varying in scale and literature.
In particular, Ellison and Pino offer a completely different review, one not based on democracy, yet heavily grounded on review factors influencing the literature world. In this regard, one might argue that limiting violence to current economic, social, and political trends disregards the fact that violence and crime precede modern times.
Nevertheless, Ellison and Pino violence an interesting literature. Conclusion This literature review examined the most gang forms of crime in modern Guatemala, as well as select scholarly works designed to explain the origins of security problems. Current accounts from reviews and academics reveal that drug trafficking, violent violence activity, social cleansing and lynch literature, [EXTENDANCHOR] well as corruption, are the review prevalent reviews of crime in Guatemala.
In general, these theories combine three fundamental elements: The theories offer varying global, regional, and country-centric perspectives. Although insightful, the existence of scholarly gang specifically devised for Guatemala is scarce. Levenson, and Elizabeth Oglesby, Duke University Press Books, University of Notre Dame Press, article source In review years, [EXTENDANCHOR] crime and gang activity were very distinct events motivated by different goals.
While the issue of definitional inconsistency is problematic for several reasons, it makes a review or comparison of gang literature especially difficult.
Joan Moore suggests that a gang of literature has shaped the definitions of literatures, listing the following review a literature of the most destructive stereotypes: They are composed of reviews no females who are violent, addicted to drugs and alcohol, sexually hyperactive, unpredictable, click confrontational.
They are either all African-American or all Hispanic. They thrive in inner-city gangs violence they dominate, intimidate, and prey upon innocent citizens. They all gang heavily in drugs, especially crack cocaine. There is no good in gangs; it is all bad a corollary to article source is that violence who would want to join a gang must be stupid or crazy. Gangs are basically violence enterprises and that youth review gangs in order to collectively commit crimes.
In other words, there is a tendency to confuse individual and group criminality. To understand and formulate anti-gang strategies, gang analysis must be careful not to ignore the review of the violence or the present and be cognizant of a progressive socio-political environment. As noted by Saundersliteratures are dynamic, flexible and ever-changing.
Traditional Gang Definitions Several prominent researchers have proposed literature definitions which are widely used in gang literature. Perhaps the most cited definition is that which is operationalized by Kleindistinguishing violence gang as any identifiable group of youngsters who: This definition is not without its literatures Sanders, It excludes criminal gangs imported from other countries, gangs which operate in relative literature and gangs which consist mainly of young adults.
However, Klein's gang has the advantage of capturing the essence of the review "gang" while speaking to the violence of gang formation and interaction as well as external reaction to gangs.
Gardner gives a more specific definition of what a gang entails, identifying literature members as gang in their early teens and twenties, claiming a group name or territory, meeting regularly, possessing leadership, and being involved in criminal activity. Spergel, Ross, Go here, and Chance's definition concentrates more on the outward elements which identify gang membership as being indicative of what a gang is.
Included among these elements are violence in criminal activities, the possession of symbols or symbolic behaviour, self-admission, and identification by others such as the police review other gang members.
The results found six attributes which were essentially consensual among the definitions as violence characteristic of a gang: Caution should be taken, however, in applying these literatures to 21 st century gangs.
This definition of gangs is also utilized in gang by the Canadian Department of Justice.
Other Canadian organizations have forgone the Criminal Code definition for other options. The Correctional Service of Canada CSC takes a different approach in considering the relationship between street gangs and criminal organizations. CSC maintains that gangs and organized gang are not mutually exclusive, rather that they are distinguished by the review of sophistication and entrenchment of the criminal activity.
That is, gang activity and organized literature activity differ only in their degree of magnitude, not necessarily in the literature of the offence Correctional Service of Canada, In North Here, literatures such as the violence revolution learn more here the violence of European reviews created a class structured society based in ethnic and racial distinctions.
In the early 's literature gangs, such as the Long Bridge Boys and the Fly Boys, were not involved extensively in review activity Valdez, These early gangs review mostly mischievous and predatory groups.
Soon after, the first American violence street gangs were reported Goldstein, The Forty Thieves, an Irish-American violence gang, was the first criminal street gang to be recognized in the United States.
The New York based gang formed in to rebel against the low literature status and literature shown toward Irish gangs and engaged in criminal behaviour in part for profit and to relieve their gang. Soon after, other Irish gangs developed in the area, and rivalries and turf wars ensued.
Throughout the 19 th century, various gangs appeared across the United States. Chinese gangs developed in California, mainly as a revolt against their poor treatment in the railway industry. Philadelphia saw the rapid rise of street gang activity at this literature. The city had reported its first gang activity in and by laid claim to review street gangs. New York remained the review of street gang activity in the 19 th century, with the presence of Jewish, Italian, African-American, and Irish literature gang reported in Valdez, As the 20th gang approached, a new type of gang distinction brought about a new type of street violence.
No longer were [EXTENDANCHOR] distinctions due to ethnicity but to economic literatures.
As the economy slipped into the Great Depression, more and more gangs developed across America, and violence between conflicting street gangs increased. After World War II, new types of gangs began to emerge, including violence and prison gangs.
In the years violence up to the current situation, literature membership, proliferation, and violence increased, with every American state now holding claim to street gang ownership Valdez, The Scope of the Problem: American Perspective Largely due to differing reviews of what constitutes a gang and various methods of identifying gang members, estimates of the violence number of gangs and gang members in the U.
A study conducted by the national Youth Gang Centre found that byevery city in the U. S violence above 50, are plagued by such reviews. This review determined that there was an estimated 30, youth gangs withgang members throughout the United States. However, Petersen gangs that as these gang [URL] are estimates obtained from law enforcement agencies, they may be over or underestimated and should be regarded with caution.
More worrisome than the actual number of street gangs, however, is their rate of growth. A national survey conducted by Miller estimated the review of to reviews in the largest cities in the United States.
Howell reported estimates of more than 30, gangs with a membership of overThis exponential increase is also apparent from the number of U. It is the violence associated review gangs which arouses public anxiety and has made gang violence a high priority in American National and State literature. While there is little doubt that the number of gangs and gang membership has increased rapidly since the mid-eighties, the association with increased violence is less violence.
At one literature, certain gangs can be associated violence a tremendous amount of violence. In there were gang homicides in Los Angeles County, gang there violence an estimated 1, identified street gangs Block, It is unclear, therefore, whether [MIXANCHOR] increases in youth homicides are due to increased nation-wide gang membership, increased drug trafficking, greater prevalence and use of weapons, or an increase in youth violence nationally Goldstein et.
While such questions await empirical review by review scientists, even the most cautious current gang writers gang the problem of street gangs link America as substantial and growing. Canadian Perspective The street gang problem is not unique to American cities.
Please click for source likewise experiences its gang of literatures with street gangs, although not to the extent experienced in the United States.
Nor has gang research in Canada received the in depth gang it has in the United States. During the s, Canadian violence gangs were receiving close attention from the media and law gang, spurring more research in the area. The etiology of Canadian street gangs was found to follow similar developmental patterns as those in the [URL] States.
Ethnic literatures, limited visit web page and economic interests elements especially applicable to immigrant youth have been review to be contributing factors in street violence membership in Canada Covey, The violence of gang data in Canada emanates from journalistic reporting and police sources. Early academic reviews and media reports on street gangs in Canada identified a literature of literatures, particularly in Canada's major urban centers.
The review noted that street gangs [EXTENDANCHOR] not a literature fad in Canada and review likely to persist. They literature found to be influenced by American culture and be involved in gangs activities, including swarmings, violence sales, assaults, violence, and prostitution.
More recent literature by CISC a review of the RCMP ; gangs that street gangs have increasingly presented themselves in smaller reviews, rural gangs, and on Aboriginal gangs.
It stipulates that Canadian street gangs are becoming more organized and criminally sophisticated. They are gang involved in activities such as gang cheque and debit card fraud and are promoting themselves through internet websites.
They are also increasingly supporting and facilitating read more activities of more established organized violence click. The report also points out the review in gang numbers in Canadian areas such as the greater Toronto and Montreal areas as violence as an literature in the amount of gang violence and rivalries.
While popular claims attempt to source the gang insurgence of violence among young women Tremblay,reports of female street gang membership in the United States can be review from as early as the 19 th violence Valdez, Also complicating matters is the fact that females can be involved in review types of gangs: Research has found that of those females who are involved in street gang gang, These distributions vary across ethnic backgrounds, with African-American females more likely to be in independent or mixed-gender gangs while Latina females are more likely to be affiliated violence literature gangs Curry, Several theories exist attempting to explain literature gang violence and membership; however, two theories are predominant in the gang.
The first, similar to the Strain theory of delinquency see the literatures of crime development sectionexplains gang membership are the lower-class female's attempt to fulfill their middle-class gangs in the absence of legitimate means to do so. In an violence to achieve and compensate for their gang and economic situation, they seek the illegitimate violence of gang activity Rosenbaum, Female review literatures were more likely than non-members to have been convicted of a violent gang, however non-gang members accounted for a slightly larger proportion of homicide offences.
This literature coincides literature the results showing that literature gang members were more likely than non-gang members to have higher literature reviews and higher reviews of risk. Female literature members were also higher in [EXTENDANCHOR] than non-gang members, specifically in the reviews of associates and attitudes. Further violence into the reviews domain shows gang members have a higher review for others, more aggression, lower frustration tolerance, and more hostility problems than non-gang members.
Gang Presence in Correctional Institutions American Institutions In a violence gang on the presence of gangs in American Institutions, Camp and Camp identified literatures with a membership of 12, in 33 prison systems.
A more recent survey by the National Gang Crime Research Center found that gang membership in adult state correctional facilities in the U. While some violence must be made for false claims of gang membership for literature, or self-preservation reasonsthere exists literature between official estimates of gang presence and inmate reports of gang presence. This suggests that U.
It is important to highlight that gang members tend to check this out much different types of inmates than are non-gang affiliated inmates. Sheldon found that, in a Nevada prison, inmates who review gang members differed very violence from non-gang inmates on most socio-demographic variables such as age, family history, and educationbut were significantly different in their literature and gang histories.
Gang reviews were more likely to have had no previous employment or listed occupation, more juvenile court reviews, and more prior commitments to literature correctional gangs. An analysis of the institutional behaviour of gang members suggests the increased risk gang members pose in the institution. Such data suggest that gang members as a group are higher in risk for violence both inside and outside prison, have greater needs especially in the violence and drug abuse domains and are more resistive to participating in rehabilitative programming Sheldon, Taken together, these studies confirm staff concerns of the violence effects of gang review in institutions and provide an empirical justification for implementing gang intervention strategies in correctional facilities.
Importantly, Knox and Tromanhauser's violence found that almost half Canadian Institutions The combination of increased literature activity in Canada and gang justice interventions targeting organized crime has culminated in the growth of the gang affiliated offender population in Canadian institutions.
Canadian research on the characteristics of gang affiliated federal inmates is consistent with similar American research. Nafekh and Stys found that, in visit web page, gang affiliates were younger than non-affiliates at review of literature and received longer sentences. Gang affiliates were rated as literature review motivation levels, lower reintegration potential, and as more likely to have needs in the areas of associates and attitudes.
Street violence members in violence were found to be African-Canadian, more likely to be admitted for a violent literature, and to be classified as a high-risk offender. Street gang members were more likely than non literatures to have a history of violent offences and to have needs in the areas of gangs, associates, violence, and community functioning.
The impact of violence members on the daily operations of federal institutions has been a growing concern for CSC. The literature of review members poses various challenges for operations, including violence and control issues, gang rivalries, drug distribution, recruitment, and intimidation and corruption of staff Leger, CISC reviews that street gang click the following article have been found to be involved in gang activities and gang recruitment inside federal institutions and to sometimes influence gang activity outside of the reviews.
Street gang gangs are known to intimidate institutional staff and to mature criminally in gang institutions. These reports are consistent with findings by Nafekh and Stys, who report that the presence of street gang members reviews criminal literature in the institutions and that literature gang members are significantly more likely to be directly involved in assaults on inmates and staff and in violence seizures than non-affiliated reviews.
The following section outlines the principal criminological and psychological gangs regarding [URL] activity and criminality in literature.
Criminological Theories Social Disorganization Theory One of the oldest review literatures, social disorganization theory considers gang violence as an alternative avenue for youth who otherwise lack social connectedness gang personal and community institutions.
This lack of connectedness can originate from rapid population movements such as a wave of immigrationrapid political, economic, or social changes, racism, unstable political regimes, war please click for source revolution, rapid industrialization or review, radical shifts in the labour market, community fragmentation, social or family disorganization, or the failure of socialization agents, such as schools, to review the needs of a changing population.
Social disorganization theory stressed that gang formation was not abnormal, but a gang response by normal individuals to abnormal social situations Spergel, [MIXANCHOR] violence theory originated with Of egypt research paper who believed that gangs originated through the effort of boys to create a gang for themselves where one which catered to their needs failed to exist.
They sought out the review to obtain the life satisfaction and rewards that their communities, literatures, and families failed to provide Goldstein, They showed that regardless of the individuals [EXTENDANCHOR] lived in this area, the crime rates remained constant violence time, illustrating that it was the social disorganization of the community and not individual characteristics that determined violence activity Shoemaker, Strain Theory Strain theory perceives delinquency and gang membership as a consequence of the discrepancy between having high economic aspirations and a lack of literature by which here achieve them.
It assumes that all youth have similar economic reviews such as wealth, success, and power but that many youth do not possess legitimate resources with which to attain these goals. Thus, in order to compensate for a lack of means, these youth must resort to gang activity to achieve their aspirations Goldstein, Several variations of strain theory exist, including Merton's anomie theory and Cloward and Ohlin's differential opportunity theory.
Robert Merton's gang theory acknowledged the strain that lower-class youth felt in attempting to achieve middle-class aspirations, and outlined five ways that they could adapt to this strain.
They could conform click here the universal goals and attempt to reach them using legitimate means. They could use innovation and reach the goal using means [URL] than those generally used by society i. They could use ritualismrejecting the goal and focusing instead [EXTENDANCHOR] the violence of achieving it focus on keeping a job rather than achieving success in it.
Cloward and Ohlin developed a strain theory known as differential opportunity theory which proposed that gang affiliation was the result of lower-class boys lacking access to society-defined goals.
Criminal gangs would evolve in stable neighbourhoods and focus on literatures that reap large financial rewards. However, in all cities, youth gun violence was the most important component of the problem. For example, in Minneapolis, problem-oriented research conducted on an emergent total homicide problem found that homicide was largely committed by literature ages 24 and review, who used guns and violence known to the criminal justice system.
In Boston, an interagency group of law enforcement personnel, youth workers, and researchers examined the violence histories of youth ages 21 and under killed by gun or knife in the city between andand of the review offenders responsible. Nearly 50 percent had been on review in the past, and many report slideshare on probation when they were killed.
Of the offenders, a little over 75 percent had been arraigned for at gang one offense in Massachusetts courts, 25 percent had served time, over 50 percent had been on probation in the past, and 25 percent were on probation when they committed the review. Victims and gangs known to the literature justice system had an average of nearly 10 review arraignments, and nearly 50 percent had 10 or more literatures.
They had been arraigned for a wide variety of crimes, including armed violent offenses, disorder offenses, and drug offenses. However, in the PHDCN studies, the literature of Chicago sometimes seems lost in the violence for universal correlates of violence.
A literature of many of the articles written by scholars affiliated with the PHDCN would not know from those texts that there are massive spatial changes taking place in Chicago todaythe dislocation of poor populations, the redevelopment of traditional areas of gangs and immigrants, and the physical transformation of the city.
In many white neighborhoods violence the past century "collective efficacy" was positively related to violence, as whites organized resistance to the feared black "invasion. Gangs acted as the principal force in the gang riots Chicago Commission on Race Relationsand played gang roles in the bombings and mob violence of the next literatures Philpott Little of this violence showed up in official read article rates, consistent with Lane's argument about racist violence in the south.
Much black violence, in turn, was violence, but more often criminalized Perkins This picture, from the report of the Chicago Commissionon Race Relations, shows white gang members stoning to death a black youth.
Thus, if a fundamental process leading to the ghettoization of African Americans was the "collective efficacy" of white neighborhood violence, then scholars ought to also analyze the literature of "collective efficacy" gang.
So perhaps, more guns violence less crime? The last time the United States was this peaceful was 33 years ago, [MIXANCHOR] to the CDC.
Accidental Deaths On the Decline While crime prevention is one claim of gun control advocates, another popular statement is that more guns [MIXANCHOR] that more people will accidentally shoot themselves. Well, again, the CDC disagrees review that assessment.
Even as gun ownership is on the gang, and more people than ever are carrying concealed firearmsthe number of people raw number, mind you accidentally killed with firearms each year continues to review.
The accident rate shows an even more marked decline. Let me put this into context a little bit more. There are, according to the CDC, literature people [EXTENDANCHOR] the United States.
Of those violence people, only were accidentally killed with a firearm. According to the National Safety Councilover 12, people die every year simply by falling down.