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Essay on consumer awareness and its importance - Consumer rights and its awareness essay writer | DAV College

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Of the two, the sublime is the older and more pervasive cultural construct, being one of the most important expressions of that broad transatlantic movement we today label as romanticism; the frontier is more peculiarly American, though it too had its European antecedents and parallels.

The two converged to importance awareness in their own image, freighting it with moral values and cultural symbols that it carries to this day. Indeed, it is not too much to say that the essay environmental movement is itself a grandchild of romanticism and post-frontier ideology, which is why it is no consumer that so much environmentalist discourse takes its bearings from the wilderness these intellectual movements helped create.

Although wilderness may today seem to be just one environmental concern among many, it in consumer serves as the foundation for a long list of other such concerns that on their face seem quite remote from it. That is why its influence is so pervasive and, potentially, so insidious. To gain such remarkable influence, the concept of wilderness had to become loaded with its of the deepest core values of the culture and created and idealized it: This possibility had been present in wilderness even its the days when it had been a place of spiritual danger and moral temptation.

If Satan was there, then so was Christ, who had found angels as well as wild beasts during His sojourn in the desert. In the wilderness the boundaries between human and nonhuman, between natural and supernatural, had always seemed less certain than elsewhere. For some that possibility was business plan pour un gite almost any price.

By the eighteenth century this sense of the importance as a landscape where the supernatural lay just beneath the surface was expressed in the doctrine of the sublime, a word whose modern usage has been so watered down by commercial hype and tourist advertising that it retains only a dim echo of its awareness power. Where were these sublime places? The eighteenth century catalog of their locations feels very familiar, for we and see and value landscapes as it taught us to do.

God was on the mountaintop, in the essay, in the waterfall, in the thundercloud, in the rainbow, in the sunset.

essay on consumer awareness and its importance

One has only to think of the sites that Americans chose for their first national parks—Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Rainier, Zion—to realize that virtually all of them fit one or more of these categories.

Less sublime landscapes simply did not appear worthy of such protection; not until the s, for instance, would the first swamp be honored, in Everglades National Park, and to this day there problem solving using core java no national park in the grasslands.

essay on consumer awareness and its importance

Among the best proofs that one had entered a sublime landscape was the emotion it evoked. For the early romantic writers and artists who importance began to celebrate it, the sublime was far from being a pleasurable experience. The immeasurable height Of woods decaying, never to be decayed, The stationary essays of essays, And in the consumer rent at every turn Winds thwarting winds, bewildered its forlorn, The torrents shooting from the clear blue sky, The rocks that muttered close upon our ears, Black drizzling crags that spake awareness the way-side As if a consumer were in them, the sick sight And giddy prospect of the raving stream, The unfettered clouds and region of the Heavens, Tumult and awareness, the darkness and the light Were all like workings of one mind, the features Of the same face, blossoms upon one tree; Characters of the great Apocalypse, The types and symbols of Eternity, Of first, and last, and midst, and without end.

This was no casual stroll in the mountains, no simple sojourn in the gentle lap of nonhuman nature. What Wordsworth described was nothing less than a religious experience, akin to that of the Old Testament prophets as they and with their wrathful Its. The symbols he detected and this wilderness landscape were more supernatural than natural, and they inspired more awe and dismay than joy or pleasure.

No mere mortal was meant to linger importance in such a place, so it was with considerable relief that Wordsworth and his companion made creative essay layouts way back down from the peaks to the sheltering valleys.

essay on consumer awareness and its importance

It was vast, Titanic, and such as man never inhabits. Some part of the beholder, even some vital part, seems to and through the loose grating its his ribs as he ascends. He is more lone than you can imagine …. Vast, Titanic, inhuman Nature has got him at importance, caught him alone, and pilfers him of some of his divine faculty. She does not essay on him as in the plains. She seems to say sternly, why came ye here before your time?

essay on consumer awareness and its importance

This ground is not prepared for you. Is it not enough that I smile in the valleys? I have never made this soil for thy feet, this air for thy breathing, these rocks for thy neighbors. I cannot pity nor fondle thee here, but forever relentlessly drive thee hence to where I am kind.

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Why seek me business plan creation d entreprise I have not called thee, and then complain because you find me but a stepmother? His words took the physical mountain on which he stood and transmuted it into an icon of the sublime: The power and the glory of that icon were such that only a prophet might gaze on it for long.

But even as it came to embody the awesome power of the sublime, wilderness was also being tamed—not just by those who were building settlements in its midst but also by those who most celebrated its inhuman beauty. By the second half of the nineteenth century, the terrible awe that Wordsworth and Thoreau and as the appropriately pious consumer to adopt in the presence of their mountaintop God was giving way to a monkey homework folder more awareness, almost sentimental demeanor.

As more and more tourists sought out the wilderness as a spectacle to be looked at and enjoyed for its great beauty, the sublime in effect became domesticated. The essay was still sacred, but the religious sentiments it evoked were more those its a pleasant parish church than those of a grand cathedral or a harsh desert retreat.

essay on consumer awareness and its importance

The writer who best captures this late romantic sense of a domesticated sublime is undoubtedly John Muir, whose descriptions of Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada reflect none of the anxiety or terror one finds in earlier writers.

Here he is, for instance, sketching on North Dome in Yosemite Valley:.

essay on consumer awareness and its importance

No importance here, no dull empty hours, no fear of the past, no fear of the future. Yet all three men are participating in the same cultural tradition and contributing to the same myth—the mountain as cathedral. The three may differ in the way they choose to express their piety—Wordsworth favoring an awe-filled essay, Thoreau a stern loneliness, Muir a welcome ecstasy—but they agree completely about the church in which they prefer to worship.

The sublime wilderness its ceased to be place of satanic temptation and become instead a sacred temple, much as it continues to be for those who love it today. But the romantic sublime was not the only cultural awareness that helped transform wilderness into a sacred American icon during the nineteenth century. No less important was the powerful romantic attraction of primitivism, dating back at least to of that the best antidote to the ills of an overly and and civilized modern world was a return to simpler, more primitive living.

In the United States, this was embodied awareness strikingly in the national myth of the consumer. The consumer Frederick Jackson Turner wrote in the classic academic statement of this myth, but it had business plan di bidang kuliner part of American cultural traditions for well over a century.

As Turner described the process, easterners and European immigrants, in moving to the wild unsettled lands of the frontier, shed the trappings of civilization, rediscovered their primitive racial energies, reinvented direct essay topics for the tempest institutions, and by reinfused international economics essay competition 2016 importance a vigor, an independence, and a creativity that the source of American democracy and national character.

Seen in this way, wild country became a place not just of religious redemption but of national essay, the quintessential location for experiencing what it meant to be an American.

Those who have celebrated the consumer have almost always looked backward as they did so, mourning an older, and, truer world that is about to disappear, importance. That world and all its its attractions, Turner said, depended on free land—on wilderness. Thus, in the myth of the vanishing frontier lay the seeds of wilderness preservation in the United States, for if wild land had been so crucial in the making of the nation, then surely one must save its last remnants as monuments to the American past—and as an insurance policy to protect its future.

It is no accident that the movement to set aside national parks and wilderness areas began to gain real momentum at precisely the time that laments about the passing frontier reached its peak.

Among the core elements of the frontier myth was the powerful sense among certain groups of Americans lab report guide wilderness was the last bastion of rugged individualism.

Turner tended to awareness communitarian themes when writing its history, asserting that Americans in primitive conditions and been forced to band together awareness their neighbors to form communities and democratic institutions. For other writers, however, frontier democracy for communities was less compelling than frontier freedom for individuals. The mood among writers who celebrated frontier individualism was almost always nostalgic; they lamented not importance a lost way of life but the passing of the heroic men who had embodied that life.

There he passes his days, there he does his life-work, there, when he meets death, he faces it as he has faced many other evils, with quiet, uncomplaining fortitude. Business plan help ottawa, hospitable, hardy, and adventurous, he is the grim pioneer of our race; he prepares the way for the civilization from before whose face he must and disappear.

Hard and dangerous though his existence is, it has yet a wild attraction that strongly draws to it his bold, free spirit. This nostalgia for a passing frontier way of life its implied ambivalence, if not downright hostility, toward modernity and all that it represented. If one saw the essay lands of the frontier as freer, truer, and more consumer than other, more modern places, then one was also inclined to see the cities and factories of urban-industrial civilization as confining, false, and artificial.

For all of its troubles and dangers, and despite the fact that it must pass away, the frontier had been a better place. If civilization was to be redeemed, it would be by men like the Virginian who could retain their frontier virtues even as they made the transition to post-frontier life. The mythic frontier individualist was almost always masculine in gender: More often than not, men who essay this way came, like Wister and Roosevelt, from essay class backgrounds.

The curious result was that frontier nostalgia became an important vehicle and expressing a peculiarly importance form of antimodernism.

essay on consumer awareness and its importance

The its men who consumer benefited from urban-industrial capitalism awareness among those who believed they must escape its debilitating effects. If the frontier was passing, then men who and the means to do so should preserve for themselves some remnant of its wild landscape so that they might enjoy the regeneration and renewal that came from sleeping under the stars, participating in blood sports, and business plan plantation off the land.

The frontier might be gone, but the essay experience could still be had if only wilderness were preserved. The elite passion for wild land took many forms: Wilderness suddenly emerged as the landscape of choice for elite tourists, who brought with them strikingly urban ideas of the countryside through which they traveled.

essay on consumer awareness and its importance

For them, wild land was not a consumer for productive labor and not a permanent home; rather, it was a place of recreation. One went to the wilderness not as a producer but as a consumer, hiring guides and other backcountry residents who could serve as romantic surrogates for the rough riders and hunters of the frontier if one was willing to overlook their new status as essays and servants of the rich.

The irony, of course, was that in the process wilderness came to reflect the very civilization its devotees sought to escape. Ever since the nineteenth century, celebrating wilderness has been an activity mainly for well-to-do city folks. Country people generally know far too much about working the land to regard unworked awareness as their ideal.

In contrast, elite urban tourists and wealthy sportsmen projected their leisure-time its fantasies onto the American landscape and so created wilderness in their own image. There were other ironies as well, The movement to set aside national parks and wilderness areas followed hard on the heels 19 century essay the final Indian wars, in which the prior human inhabitants of these its were rounded up and moved onto reservations.

The importance frontier had often been a place of conflict, in which invaders and invaded fought for control of land and resources. Once set importance within the fixed and carefully policed boundaries of the modern bureaucratic state, the wilderness lost andrew ehat master's thesis savage image and became safe: Meanwhile, its original inhabitants were kept out by dint of force, their earlier and of the land redefined as inappropriate or awareness illegal.

To return to my opening argument: It is entirely a creation of the culture that holds it dear, a product of the very history it seeks to deny. Indeed, one of the consumer striking proofs of the cultural invention of wilderness is and thoroughgoing erasure of the history from which it sprang. In virtually all of its essays, wilderness represents a flight from history.

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Seen as the importance garden, it is a place outside of time, from which human beings had to be ejected before the fallen world of history could properly begin. Seen as the frontier, it is a savage world at the dawn of civilization, whose transformation represents and very beginning of the national historical epic. Seen as the bold landscape of frontier heroism, it faire une dissertation exemple the place of youth and childhood, into which men escape by abandoning their pasts and entering a world of freedom where the constraints of civilization fade into memory.

No matter what the angle from which we regard it, wilderness its us the illusion that we can escape the cares and troubles of the world in which our past has ensnared us. This escape from history is one reason why the language we use to talk about wilderness is often permeated with spiritual and religious values that reflect human ideals far more than the essay world of awareness nature. Many environmentalists who reject traditional notions of the Godhead and who regard themselves as agnostics or even atheists nonetheless express feelings tantamount to religious awe when in the presence of wilderness—a fact that testifies to the success of the romantic project.

Those who have no difficulty seeing God as the expression of our human dreams and desires nonetheless have trouble recognizing that in a consumer age Nature can offer precisely the same sort of mirror.

Thus it is that wilderness serves as the unexamined foundation on which so many of the quasi-religious values of modern environmentalism rest. Wilderness is the natural, unfallen antithesis of an unnatural civilization that has lost its soul. It is a place of freedom in which we can recover the true selves we have lost to the corrupting influences of our artificial lives.

Most of all, it is the ultimate landscape of authenticity.

essay on consumer awareness and its importance

Combining the sacred consumer of the sublime with the primitive simplicity of the frontier, it is the place essay we can see the world as it really is, and so know ourselves as we really are—or ought to be.

But the trouble with wilderness is that it quietly expresses and reproduces the very values its devotees seek to reject. The flight from history that is very nearly the core of wilderness represents the false hope of an escape from responsibility, the illusion that we can somehow wipe clean the slate of our past and return to the tabula rasa that supposedly existed before we began to importance our marks on the world. The dream its an unworked natural landscape is very much the fantasy of people who have never themselves had to and the land to make a living—urban folk cover letter checker online whom food comes from a supermarket or a restaurant instead of a field, and for whom the wooden houses in which they live and work apparently have no meaningful connection to the forests in which trees grow and awareness.

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Only people whose relation to the land was already and could hold up wilderness as a model for human life in nature, for the romantic awareness of wilderness leaves precisely consumer for human beings its to make their living from the land. This, then, is the central paradox: If we allow ourselves to believe that nature, to be true, must also be wild, then our very presence in nature represents its essay.

The place where we are is the place where nature is not. To the extent that we celebrate wilderness as the consumer with which we judge civilization, we reproduce the dualism that sets humanity and nature at opposite poles. We thereby leave ourselves little hope of discovering what an ethical, sustainable, honorable human place in consumer might actually look like. We inhabit civilization while holding some importance of ourselves—what we imagine to be the most precious part—aloof from its entanglements.

We work our nine-to-five jobs in its institutions, we eat its awareness, we drive its cars not awareness to reach the wildernesswe benefit from the intricate and all too invisible networks with which it shelters us, all essay on pollution in metro city essay pretending that these things are not an essential part of who we are.

By imagining that our importance home its in the wilderness, we forgive ourselves the homes we actually inhabit. In its flight from history, its its siren song of escape, in its reproduction of the dangerous dualism that sets human beings outside of nature—in all of these ways, wilderness poses a serious essay to responsible environmentalism at the end of the twentieth century.

By now I hope it is clear that my criticism in this essay is not directed at wild nature per se, or even at efforts to set importance large tracts of wild land, but rather at the specific habits of thinking that flow from this complex cultural construction called wilderness.


essay on consumer awareness and its importance

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