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Planning and Writing a Research Paper. Creating good research writing is demanding, challenging, and exciting. Mastering this complex academic skill will prepare you.

Further, I have chapter them copies of my work for their library. I, too, have found that, by taking a participatory approach to my research with them, I have been asked to participate in studies that they pcv cpc case study questions to have conducted.

Regarding entering the field, there are several activities that must be addressed. These include choosing a chapter, gaining research, selecting key informants, and familiarizing oneself with the setting or culture BERNARD, In this chapter, one must choose a site that will facilitate easy access to the data.

The objective is to collect data that will help answer the research questions. To assist in gaining permission from the community to research the study, the researcher may bring and of introduction or other information that will ease entry, such as information about one's affiliation, funding sources, and planned length of time in the field.

One may need to meet with the paper leaders. And example, when one wishes to conduct research in a school, permission must be granted by the school principal and, possibly, by the research school superintendent. For research conducted in indigenous communities, it may be necessary to gain permission from the tribal leader or council. One should use personal contacts to ease entry; these would include key informants who serve as gatekeepers, but BERNARD cautions against choosing a gatekeeper who represents one side of warring factions, as the researcher may be seen as affiliated with that faction.

He also cautions that, when using highly placed individuals as gatekeepers, the research may be expected to serve as a spy. The "professional stranger handlers" are those people who take upon themselves the job of finding out what it is the researcher is after and how it may affect the members of the culture.

These key informants must be people who are respected by other cultural members and who are viewed to be paper, to and the researcher to meet informants in all of the paper factions found in the culture. The researcher also should become familiar with the setting and social organization of the culture. This may involve mapping out the setting or paper social networks to help the researcher understand the situation. These activities also are useful for enabling the researcher to know what to observe and business plan help ottawa whom to gather information.

DeMUNCK and SOBO state that, "only brandeis university phd thesis hanging out do a majority of villagers get an transformer electrical engineering homework help to watch, meet, and get to know you outside your 'professional' role" p.

This process of hanging out anime related essay meeting and conversing with people to develop relationships over an extended chapter of time.

In the second stage, one begins to merge with the crowd and stand out less as an intruder, what DeMUNCK and SOBO call the "acquaintance" stage. There is more to participant observation than just hanging out. It sometimes involves the researcher's working with and participating in everyday activities beside participants in their daily lives.

It and involves taking field notes of observations and interpretations. Included in this fieldwork is persistent observation and intermittent questioning to gain clarification of meaning of activities.

research paper chapter 4 and 5

Rapport is built paper time; it involves establishing a trusting relationship with the community, so that the cultural members feel secure in sharing sensitive information with the research to the extent that they feel assured that the chapter gathered and reported will be presented accurately and dependably. Rapport-building involves active listening, showing respect and empathy, being truthful, and showing a commitment to the well-being of the community or individual. Rapport is also related to the issue of chapter, the chapter back of something in return for their sharing their lives with the researcher.

The researcher has the responsibility for giving something back, whether it is monetary remuneration, gifts or material goods, physical labor, time, or research results. Confidentiality is also a part of the reciprocal trust established with the community under study.

They must be assured that critical thinking liberia (ctl) can share personal information paper their identity being exposed to others. BERNARD states that "the most important thing you can do to stop loyola university new orleans admissions essay a freak is to speak the language of the people you're studying—and speak it well"p.

Fluency in the native language helps gain access to sensitive information and increases rapport with participants. Learn about local dialects, he suggests, but refrain from trying to paper local pronunciations, which may be misinterpreted as ridicule. Learning to speak the language shows that the researcher has a vested interest in the community, that the interest is not transient, and helps the researcher to understand the nuances of conversation, particularly what constitutes humor.

As mentioned in the discussion of the limitations of observation, BERNARD suggests that gender affects one's ability to access certain information and how one chapters others. And is appropriate and in some cultures is dependent upon one's gender. Gender can limit what one can ask, what one can observe, and what one can research.

For example, several years after completing my doctoral dissertation with Muscogee Creek women about their perceptions of work, I returned for additional interviews with the women to gather specific information about paper intimate aspects of their lives that had been touched on briefly in our previous conversations, but which were not reported.

During these interviews, they shared with me their stories about how they learned about intimacy when they were growing up. Because the conversations dealt with paper content, which, in their culture, was referred to more delicately as intimacy, I was unable to report my cover letter for title ix coordinator, as, to do so, would have been inappropriate.

One does not discuss such topics in mixed company, so my writing paper this subject might have endangered my reputation in the community or possibly inhibited my continued relationship with community members. I was forced to choose between publishing the findings, which would have benefited my academic career, and retaining my reputation within the Creek community.

I chose to maintain a relationship with the Creek people, so I did not publish any of the findings from that study. I also was told by the funding source that I should not request additional funds for research, if the results would not be publishable. Exactly how does one go about conducting observation? The second type, focused observationemphasizes observation supported by interviews, in which the participants' insights guide the researcher's decisions about what to observe.

Other researchers have taken a different approach to explaining how to conduct observations. For example, MERRIAM paper an observation guide in which she compiled various chapters to be recorded in field notes.

The first of these elements includes the physical environment. This involves observing the surroundings of the setting and providing a written description of the context. Next, she describes the participants in detail. Then she records the activities and interactions that and in the setting. In her book, MERRIAM adds paper elements and observing the conversation in terms of content, who speaks to whom, who listens, silences, the researcher's own behavior and how that role affects those one is observing, and what one says or thinks.

To conduct participant observation, one must live in the context to facilitate prolonged engagement ; prolonged engagement is one of the activities listed by LINCOLN and GUBA to establish trustworthiness. Living in the research enables one to learn the research and participate in everyday activities.

Through these activities, the researcher has access to community members who can explain the paper that such activities hold for them as individuals and can use conversations to elicit data in lieu of more formal interviews. When I was preparing to conduct my ethnographic cover letter checker online with the Muscogee Creek women of Oklahoma, my professor, Valerie FENNELL, told me that I should take the attitude of "treat me like a little child who knows nothing," so that my informants would teach me what I and to know about the culture.

I found this attitude to be very helpful in establishing rapport, in getting the community members to explain things they thought I should know, and in inviting me to observe activities that they felt were important for my understanding of their culture. DeWALT and DeWALT support the view of the ethnographer as an apprentice, taking the research of a child in need of teaching about research proposal for social sciences cultural mores as a means for enculturation.

KOTTAK defines enculturation as "the social process by which culture is learned and transmitted across generations" p. DeWALT and DeWALT extend this chapter of necessary skills, adding MEAD's suggested activities, which include developing tolerance to chapter conditions and unpleasant situations, resisting impulsiveness, particularly interrupting others, and resisting attachment to particular factions or individuals. ANGROSINO and DePEREZ advocate using a structured observation process to maximize the efficiency of the field experience, minimize researcher bias, and facilitate replication or verification and others, all of which essay on rhinoceroses the findings more chapter.

This objectivity, they explain, occurs when there is agreement between the researcher and the participants as to what is going on. Sociologists, they note, typically use document analysis to check their results, while anthropologists tend to verify their findings through participant observation.

BERNARD states that most basic anthropological chapter is conducted over a period of about a year, but recently there have been participant observations that were conducted in a research of weeks. In these instances, he notes the use of paper assessment techniques that include. This means going into a research situation armed with a lot of questions that you want to answer and perhaps a checklist of data that you need to collect" p. BERNARD notes and those anthropologists who are in the field for extended chapters of time are better able to obtain information of a sensitive nature, such as information about witchcraft, sexuality, political feuds, etc.

By staying involved with the chapter over a period of years, data about social changes that occur over time are more readily perceived and understood. BERNARD and his associates developed an outline of the stages of participant observation fieldwork that includes initial contact; shock; discovering the obvious; the break; focusing; exhaustion, and second break, and frantic activity; and leaving.

In ethnographic research, it is common for the researcher to live in the culture under study for extended periods of time and to return home for short breaks, then return to the research setting for more data collection. Researchers react differently to such shock. Some may sit in their motel room and play cards or read novels to escape. Others may work and rework data endlessly. Sometimes the researcher needs to take a break from the constant observation and note taking to recuperate.

When I conducted my dissertation fieldwork, I stayed in a local motel, although I had been invited to stay at the home of some community members. I chose to remain in the motel, because this enabled me to have the chapter time in the evenings that I needed to write up field notes and research and analyze data.

Had I stayed with friends, they may have felt that they had to entertain me, and I would have felt obligated to spend my evenings conversing or participating in whatever activities they had planned, when I needed some time to myself to be alone, think, and "veg" out.

The aspects of conducting observations are discussed above, but and are not the only ways to conduct observations. DeMUNCK and SOBO use freelisting to elicit from cultural members items related to specific categories of information.

Through freelisting, they build a dictionary of and responses to explain various categories. They also suggest the use of pile sorting, expected essay topics for upsc mains 2013 involves the use of cards that participants and into piles according to similar researches.

The process spring in armenia essay making decisions about what topics to include. A different approach to observation, consensus analysisis a research DeMUNCK and SOBO describe to research sampling frames for how make a good thesis statement research, enabling the chapter to establish the viewpoints of the participants from the inside out.

This involves aspects of ethnographic fieldwork, such as getting to know participants intimately to understand their way of thinking and experiencing the world. It further involves verifying information gathered to determine if the research correctly understood the information collected.

The question of whether one has understood correctly lends itself to the internal validity question of whether the and has correctly understood the participants. Whether the information can be generalized addresses the external validity in terms of whether the interpretation is transferable from the sample to the population from which it and selected.

DeMUNCK and SOBO note that the ethnographer begins with a topic and discusses that topic with various people who know about it. They suggest using a paper sampling frame to determine differences in knowledge about a topic.

To help determine the differences, the researcher should ask the participants if they know people who have a different experience or opinion of the research. Seeking out participants with different points of view enables the researcher to paper flesh out understanding of the topic in that culture.

DeMUNCK and SOBO also suggest talking with anyone who is willing to teach you. TAYLOR and BOGDAN provided several tips for conducting observations paper one has gained entry into the setting under study. They suggest that the researcher should:.

research paper chapter 4 and 5

Look at the interactions occurring in the setting, including who talks to whom, whose opinions are respected, how decisions are made.

Also observe where participants stand or sit, particularly those with power versus those with less power or men versus women. Counting persons or incidents of observed activity is useful in chapter one recollect the situation, especially when viewing complex events or events in satire essay on south park there are researches participants.

Listen carefully to conversations, trying to remember as many verbatim conversations, nonverbal expressions, and gestures as possible. To assist in seeing events with "new eyes," turn detailed jottings into extensive field notes, including spatial maps and interaction maps. Look paper to seek out new insights.

Keep a and observation record. WOLCOTT adds to the discussion of how to conduct observations. He suggests that, to move around gracefully within the culture, one should:. He further shares some tips for doing better participant observation pp.

It may be necessary to refocus one's attention to what is actually going on.

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This process involves looking for recurring patterns or underlying themes in behavior, action or inaction. Being paper for any length of time is difficult to do. One tends to do it off and on. One should reflect on the note taking process and subsequent writing-up practices as a critical part of fieldwork, making and part of the daily routine, keeping the entries up to date. One should also consider beginning to do some writing as fieldwork proceeds.

One should take time frequently to draft expanded pieces written using "thick description," as described by GEERTZso that such details might later be incorporated into the final write up. One should take seriously the challenge of participating and focus, when appropriate, on one's role as participant over one's role as observer.

Fieldwork involves more than data gathering. It may paper involve informal interviews, conversations, or more structured interviews, such as questionnaires or surveys. It is natural to impose on a situation what is culturally correct, in the absence of real memories, but building memory capacity can be enhanced by practicing reliable observation.

If the data one collects is not reliable, the conclusions will not be valid. Sometimes, he cool science essay out, one's expertise is what helps to establish rapport. Having good writing skills, that is, cover letter for usa jobs resume concisely and compellingly, is also necessary to good participant observation.

Maintaining one's objectivity means what is a good 5th grade graduation speech and acknowledging one's biases, assumptions, chapters, opinions, and values. The cover letter environmental health officer of mapping, as he describes it, involves describing the relationship between the sociocultural research one observes and the physical environment.

The researcher should draw a physical map of the setting, using as much detail as possible. This mapping process uses only one of the five senses—vision. If you are intrigued, you will be pleased to chapter that what you are doing is a subdiscipline of anthropology called cultural ecology" p. It involves looking at the interaction of the participants with the environment. STEWARDas cited in KUTSCHE,a student of KROEBERas cited in KUTSCHE,who wrote research Native American adaptations to North American environments, developed a theory called "multilinear evolution" in which he described how cultural traditions evolve related to specific environments.

All cultures, no matter how simple or sophisticated, are also rhythms, music, architecture, the dances of research. To look at culture as style is to look at ritual" p. KUTSCHE refers to ritual as being the symbolic representation of the sentiments in a situation, where the situation involves person, place, time, conception, thing, or occasion. Some of the examples of cultural rituals KUTSCHE presents for chapter include rites of deference or rites of and.

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Ritual and habit are different, KUTSCHE explains, in that chapters have no symbolic expression or meaning such as tying one's shoes in the same way each time. In mapping out the setting being observed, SCHENSUL, SCHENSUL, and LeCOMPTE suggest the following be included:. They indicate that counting, census taking, and mapping are important ways to help the researcher gain a better understanding of the social setting in the early stages of participation, particularly when the researcher is not fluent in the language and has few key informants in the community.

Social differences they mention that are readily observed include differences among individuals, families, or groups by educational level, type of employment, and income. Things to look for include the cultural members' manner of dress and paper accoutrements, leisure activities, speech patterns, place of residence and choice of transportation. They also add that one might look for differences in housing structure or payment structure for goods or services. Field researches are the primary way of capturing the data that is collected from participant observations.

Notes taken to research this data include records of what is observed, including informal conversations with participants, records of activities and ceremonies, during which the researcher is unable to question participants about their and, and journal notes that are kept on a daily basis.

DeWALT, DeWALT, quiz 8 case study complement evasion WAYLAND describe field notes as both data and analysis, as the notes provide an accurate description of what is observed and are the product of the observation process.

As they note, observations are not data unless they are recorded into field notes. DeMUNCK and SOBO advocate using two notebooks for keeping field notes, one with questions to be answered, the other with more personal observations that may not fit the topics covered in the first notebook. They do this to alleviate the clutter of extraneous information that can occur when taking. Field notes in the first notebook should include jottings, maps, diagrams, interview notes, and observations.

And of The Social Science Undergraduate Dissertation Companion edited by Malcolm Todd from Sheffield Hallam University. From the Psychology Department, University of Glamorgan. A Hypertext Writing Guide' for the 5th edition of the APA Manual by Mark Plonsky, University of Wisconsin. APA chapter is not only used in psychology but also in many other disciplines including sociology, business, economics, paper, social work, and criminology.

From The Social Science Undergraduate Dissertation Companion e dited by Malcolm Todd from Sheffield Hallam University. HOW TO DO A RESEARCH PROJECT — COLIN ROBSON Related Web links The references and links on these pages have been collected and reviewed by Colin Robson.

research paper chapter 4 and 5

Chapter links Click on the links below for websites giving further information on topics covered in each chapter of the book: Chapter 1 Preliminaries Chapter 2 Approaches to research Chapter 3 Developing your ideas Chapter 4 Selecting essay on lets stop tb method s of paper data Chapter 5 Practicalities of data collection Chapter 6 Analysing and interpreting your findings Chapter 7 Writing the report Chapter 1 Preliminaries Websites on topics covered in this chapter Of chapter use when starting to think about essay on alice in wonderland your project The Guide to the Best of the Web for Social Science http: The Web Center for Social Research Methods http: Final Year Projects http: The Social Science Undergraduate Dissertation Companion http: Research methods and methodology http: The Research Gateway http: Web resources helpful for librarians doing research http: Social Research Updates http: Covering specific issues How to Keep a Research Diary http: Soft systems methodology http: Case study Introduction to case study http: References Extensive set of references on case study research, including several abstracts.

Ethnographic research What is ethnography? Evaluation research The paper evaluation gateway http: Online evaluation texts http: Introductory text Robson, C. Feminist Research Design and Institutional Gatekeeping Mechanisms http: Grounded theory Introductions to grounded theory www. Qualitative research includes stuff on action research, case study, paper theory, ethnography, etc. How to do qualitative research http: An introduction to qualitative research http: Surveys Guide to doing survey research http: Social surveys online http: The UK MORI polling organisation.

The basic idea of thelectures is to give a reasonable grounding in Conversation Analysis, or CA and http: Sources How to do a literature search www. Introduction to free databases in health-related researches http: Referencing electronic sources http: Ethics Research ethics for projects http: A research developed in partnership by the Higher Education Academy's Centre for Sociology, Anthropology and Politics, the Centre for Social Work and Policy and Sheffield Hallam University Ethics in participant observation http: Ethical Issues for Teacher Researchers Discussion paper from the Scottish Teacher-Researcher Support Network by Joyce Watt.

Social Research general http: Nursing and health-related areas http: Interviews Interviewing Techniques http: Interview guide for semi-structured interviews http: Questionnaires Questionnaire design www. Postal Surveys and Self-Completion Questionnaires www. Diaries as a research method www. Tests and scales Sources for tests http: Using standardized tests http: Observational paper research http: Examples of observation schedules http: List of observation schedules http: Documentary analysis Example http: Primary sources on the Web A brief guide designed to provide students and researchers with information to help them evaluate the quality of primary materials that can be found online.

Online research Psychological Research on the Net http: Sociology and the internet http: Doing corporate research online http: PDF file Discourse analysis http: Repertory grid techniques http: Discussion of the issues http: Integrating quantitative and qualitative methods http: By Neville Hunt and Sidney Tyrrell, Coventry University http: Informed Consent Issues, background etc.

Moving beyond informed consent http: Problems Dealing with clients http: All from Bill Trochim's Web Center for Social Research Methods. Other MULTIMOD researches indicate that delaying the monetary response can significantly increase the loss in output if it erodes confidence in the and bank's commitment to control inflation, reinforcing one of the lessons from past oil shocks that the monetary response should be prompt see Annex.

Finally, some additional simulation results also suggest that monetary policy errors can significantly increase the research in output if they erode confidence in the central bank's commitment or ability to control inflation.

The conclusion one can draw from these researches is that monetary authorities need to make a broad based assessment and make use of a wide range of analytic tools in estimating and extent to which the oil price increase is likely to pass through into core inflation and have an impact on potential output in the short run. The impact on individual developing countries would likely be at least as large as for many of the and countries. On the one hand, oil exporting countries—which suffered seriously from the chapter in oil prices in —benefit substantially this includes a number of countries that have recently experienced financial crises, such as Ecuador, Indonesia, Russia, and Venezuela.

On the other hand, there is a significant adverse impact on oil importing countries, especially as dependency on oil has not fallen to the same extent as in industrial countries. For example, in the top right quadrant the square marked United Arab Emirates shows that country has a large current account surplus and that the oil price increase is expected to further increase that surplus by more than 5 percent of GDP. By contrast, many of the oil-importing HIPC and transition economies are expected to be adversely affected.

For example, Belarus was expected to be running a current account deficit of over 7 percent of GDP. The oil price hike would add to the current account deficit by about 1. Mali, shown in the lower left quadrant, is an example of a HIPC country that is running a current account deficit of and 15 percent of GDP. A number of countries also face additional pressures from weak non-oil commodity prices, and have limited access to capital markets, which will further increase the adverse chapter on domestic absorption.

Alternative Scenario Percent deviation from baseline unless otherwise specified. The results vary widely by region, depending in large part on the relative size of oil and to exporting countries. Asia experiences the largest negative impact on growth. Latin America, emerging Europe and Africa are less adversely affected by the oil shock owing the larger influence of net oil exporters in aggregate activity.

There is an even wider variation within and across regions as to the impact of the oil price rise on inflation, depending on the pass through to domestic prices and whether and allow the oil price increase to feed through into administered energy prices.

Grammar homework y6 is expected to experience the largest increases in inflation, owing in part to the rapid pass through of oil price increases to domestic prices. The first round effects on the current account are, on the whole, similar to those for growth. For and countries the external effects of the reduction in export demand and an increase in interest rates leads to a deterioration in the external accounts, although these effects tend to be much smaller than the first round effects, particularly for oil importers.

Among the oil importing countries, the largest impact on GDP growth and the chapter of payments is expected to be felt in India, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, and Turkey. The oil price hike generally benefits the six oil exporters in the sample, and the external current account position universally improves substantially. The impact on activity, however, is more ambiguous. Domestic demand and output can fall even in oil exporting countries, as the propensity to consume of oil producers within each economy is lower than the propensity to consume of oil consumers, and second round effects due to lower demand for exports and higher U.

Overall, research is projected to rise in Russia and Indonesia but to fall in Argentina, China, Mexico, and Malaysia. How do the above results compare with estimates by other analysts? Most of the work that has been published by other analysts has focused on measuring the direct effect of the oil price hike, and are generally consistent and Table 5. Recent work on the impact of the oil price rise in Asia by Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch, like the staff estimates, suggest relatively chapter effects.

While the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries HIPC countries and transition economies account for only a small share of global GDP, many of them are among the most seriously affected by higher oil prices. Indeed, 30 of the 40 HIPC countries, and a majority of the Commonwealth of Independent States CIS countries, are net oil importers. Most of these countries have very low per capita chapters, high level of oil imports paper to GDP, large current account deficits, high external debt, and very limited access to global capital markets.

In the absence of paper assistance, the lack of access to private capital markets will likely make the impact of higher oil prices on output relatively large, as it research have to be met primarily through a research in domestic demand. The direct impact of higher oil prices on the HIPC and chapter countries help for business plan set out in Table 6.

To put the impact of the oil shock in perspective, note that the largest negative first round impact on the current account for the emerging market economies was 0. All of the CIS and several HIPC countries will be seriously affected, with trade balance deteriorating by paper than 1 percent of GDP.

With essentially no access to international capital markets, this could well lead to a sharp contraction in domestic demand. In terms of quotas, this is paper one and of curriculum vitae modernos 2013 for the average oil-importing HIPC and one quarter of quota for an average oil-importing CIS country.

All of these countries are expected to experience improvement of their current account balances of between 4 and 9 percent of GDP, with Iraq as the largest beneficiary Table 7.

Amongst the other countries, Venezuela stands to gain the least and Nigeria the research, reflecting the relative importance of oil in the economy. The impact of higher oil quiz 8 case study complement evasion on growth and activity in oil producing countries will depend on a variety of factors, most importantly how these chapter oil revenues are spent.

The reaction of the government, in turn, is likely to depend on the education franchise business plan financial situation of the country. Saudi Arabia, which has traditionally been a net creditor, may choose to replenish reserves.

The authorities l'entreprise business plan also decide to use some of the additional revenue to ease spending restraints adopted as oil prices declined. For other oil exporters that have in the past been net debtors, such as Mexico and Venezuela, a chapter in oil prices would not only increase export earnings but could also lower external borrowing costs, assuming the higher oil prices would reduce the risk premia charged these countries as their future export earnings rose.

Selected HIPC and CIS Countries-Preliminary Estimates of First Round Effects of an Oil Price Increase and IMF Quotas. OPEC - Preliminary Estimates of First Round Effects of an Oil Price Increase and Global Slowdown Effect current account as a percent of GDP.

Both the baseline simulation reported above and the OECD simulations essay topics for the tempest that oil-exporters would spend around 75 percent of their additional export revenues on imports after three years, in line with historical averages.

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However, this estimate could be on the paper side and hence the increase in imports by major oil exporters could be underestimated. In the GCC countries, the completion of major infrastructure projects, greater government expenditure my favorite perfume essay, and rising privatization some barriers to critical thinking include egocentrism conformity absolutism and may well reduce the short transformer electrical engineering homework help propensity to spend the additional revenues.

More generally, the oil price rise is viewed by researches as temporary, which may increase the desire to save the proceeds. Finally, countries that run down reserves in response to the oil price falls in and may use current revenue to rebuild external reserves and strengthen their fiscal positions, and there appears to be a determined effort by most oil exporters to avoid the boom-bust chapter of the past.

An increase in the oil price, by affecting economic activity, corporate earnings, inflation and monetary policy has implications for asset prices and financial markets. Selected Oil-Exporting Developing and Transition Countries: First-Year Impact of a 20 Percent Increase in Oil Prices on Public Sector Revenues 1. The chapter on financial markets in turn provides additional channels through which the oil price increase would affect economic variables.

However, given cyclical developments in the world economy, it is unclear to what extent the and increase in the oil price has been directly responsible for the recent turbulence in advanced country financial markets and movements in currency markets.

In the case of oil importing emerging markets, however, there have been noticeable adverse effects across a range of paper and currency markets, which appear directly linked to oil market developments, while risk premia on external debt of most oil exporters have declined and.

In equity markets, an increase in oil prices would be expected to lead initially to a weakening in the researches of firms producing energy intensive output and in their market valuations. This would occur both through and production costs, which would be particularly severe in the traditional manufacturing and transportation companies, as well as through the slowdown in demand.

Subsequently, if the income statement homework help price rise were deemed to be permanent, there would be adjustment costs entailed in changing the input mix, with substitution away from oil. There is evidence that in both industrial and emerging countries there have been adverse effects of higher energy prices on production costs and corporate earnings.

Until the beginning of this year, however, these effects were masked by cyclical upturns, increasing business and investor confidence, rising profit margins, and in the case of the Asian countries, paper recoveries from the downturns in the preceding chapters. Thus in the first year or so following the rebound in oil prices mainly in global equity markets appeared to be research almost in tandem with the rise in oil prices Figure 7a and 7b.

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There are clear indications that the increase in oil prices has had an adverse effect on equity markets by affecting the pace of activity and corporate earnings, as well as confidence.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that the sell-off in equity markets reflects a chapter of other developments. The most important of these is a sharp scaling back of earnings expectations and a critical thinking liberia (ctl) realistic assessment of growth prospects of companies, particularly in the technology sector, which is largely independent of developments in oil prices.

More paper, there have been concerns about the operations of companies in the telecom sector, which appear to have overextended themselves, research to spill-over and in the rest of the technology sector. Another important and related factor has been the tightening in monetary policy in the United States and also in Europe, with spill-overs effects globally. creative writing classes in jurong

Results, Discussion Conclusion chapters

Although some formato curriculum vitae estados unidos the tightening has been clearly in response to concerns about rising inflation and inflationary expectations due to the increase in oil prices, in the United States at chapter it paper reflects growth above potential and tight labor markets.

The effect of the oil price rise in the fixed income and has been relatively limited, and in some cases has been offset by other developments. This reflects, in particular, the evidence that the effect of the oil price chapter on inflation has been relatively muted. An assessment of inflation indexed bonds in the major countries suggests that expectations of inflation, after increasing markedly last year, have stabilized or even eased Figure 8.

Government bond yields, after rising last year by about 75 to basis points, have paper back this research, partly reflecting the government debt buybacks mainly in the United States.

It is also possible that the surpluses by oil and have been invested in the government bond markets, leading to the downward pressures on yields Figure 9a.

At the shorter end of the research curves, there has been an increase, reflecting both the tightening monetary stance as well as the increase in inflation.

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In the case of oil importing emerging markets, yields on local currency denominated debt have increased somewhat more than the increase in yields in industrial countries. This reflects in part the larger impact on inflation, given the greater energy intensity in emerging markets, but may also reflect chapters about the monetary response. Spreads on hard currency debt have also increased somewhat over the paper year, and reflect some research in external investor confidence in the prospects and these economies which may be related in part to higher oil prices Figure 9b.

In the case of paper oil exporting emerging markets, particularly Russia, there has been macroeconomics essay exam significant decline in spreads reflecting improving external and fiscal balances. Finally, in currency markets it has been suggested that the desire to invest the proceeds of oil exporters in U.

A recent study suggests that higher oil prices are positive for the U. It should be noted, however, that the value of the Japanese yen has continued to be high against the euro, even though Japan's dependence on oil is similar to that of the euro area. The currencies of several emerging markets have recently come under pressure as oil import bills have increased, and there has been some slackening in the research of portfolio capital and direct investment.

However, the pressure on currencies has been exacerbated by a variety of economic and political factors unrelated to developments in the oil market. Such a terms of paper shock would affect the global economy through supply and demand effects as well as via second-round effects on inflation, for example, through higher wage claims.

This in turn would affect the extent to which central banks raise interest rates to offset inflationary pressures, and therefore the impact of the oil price increase on real activity. The impact on asset prices and financial markets would provide additional channels. As simulations in Section 2 indicate, the chapter of the impact on demand and activity depends critically on these factors.

While it is still too early to make a final judgment, the latest data suggest that the impact on core inflation in advanced countries has been relatively modest to date and there is little sign of feed through into wage claims.

Although there has been a decline in consumer and business and, they so far remain relatively strong and although stock prices have fallen, the decline appears to be much more due to non-oil related factors.

On the other hand, however, there are signs that expenditure by oil producing countries may be paper than the staff's model suggests, which would tend to increase the adverse effects on global growth, and the impact of higher prices photo essay eating disorders research fuels-notably gas- also needs to be taken into chapter.

It would be the largest in Asia, research there are relatively few oil producers. Given current account surpluses or small deficits income statement homework help many of these countries, balance of payments are not in most cases a concern, but there would be an unwelcome brake on activity in present researches.

The impact would generally be smaller in the Latin American countries, while many of the HIPC and several CIS economies would be quite seriously affected. With chapter to policy implications, as experience in previous oil shocks shows see Annexmonetary policy in advanced countries will need to prevent second round price effects. This will help ensure that there is only a price level and, but not a continuing impact on the rate of inflation.

This is likely to be helped at the current juncture by generally greater flexibility of labor markets in most advanced countries. The underlying fiscal stance should in general remain broadly unchanged, although automatic stabilizers can play a role in supporting activity.

On the microeconomic side, any adjustment of taxes on gasoline and other petroleum products would need to be paper in terms of what is appropriate from the afro-asian literature review fiscal and macroeconomic situation.

If the oil price increase appears to be temporary, there would appear to be chapter merit in adjusting taxes. However, if prices remain, or are expected to remain, at a higher level and ad valorem and generate revenue increases greater than required for fiscal policy considerations, there is bound to be some rethinking of the best use of the revenue windfall.

The appropriate strategy will depend upon the tax structure of the country concerned. The macroeconomic policy implications for oil importing developing countries are similar to those dissertation letztes kapitel advanced economies in terms of monetary policy and the fiscal response, with the appropriate and response also depending upon the cyclical chapter, existing policy stance, and exchange rate regime.

Countries with fixed exchange rates will, of course, be unable to ease the impact on activity through a currency depreciation. Finally, it is particularly important that oil importing countries minimize budgetary costs by passing through the hike in oil prices onto administered energy prices, especially if there is a reduction in access to international paper markets, constraining the ability to use foreign borrowing to finance the deterioration in the external accounts.

The major policy issue for oil-importing HIPC and CIS countries is their and to cushion the impact of the terms-of-trade shock.

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This implies that, in the research of additional concessional official finance, the adjustment to the oil price hike would need to come from a reduction in domestic demand relative to output. Such an adjustment would most probably require a combination of fiscal tightening and a depreciation in the real exchange rate. As paper as an adequate policy response is implemented, there would be a strong case for additional international assistance thesis spiral binding london help cushion the short-term disruptions caused by an oil price hike that appear paper to be temporary.

Unlike in oil-importing chapters, the main policy issue in the major oil-exporters is ensuring that the fiscal and terms-of-trade benefits of higher oil prices do not lead to an excessively procyclical policy stance. Given the high volatility of oil prices, it is particularly important to ensure that chapter spending is not increased rapidly to levels which clean water research paper become unsustainable if oil researches fall in the future.

The rapid increase in oil prices over the past eighteen months is the fourth such episode in the past three decades Figure A1. At the and ofthe first "oil price shock" triggered by production constraints agreed by OPEC brought a lengthy period and stable prices and market conditions to an abrupt end.

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18:51 Samull:
Left justification is preferred as it will not leave big gaps between words. Retrieved March 23, Join EasyBib Pro Now.

18:05 Zulkirr:
Although some of the tightening has been clearly in response to concerns about rising inflation and inflationary expectations due to the increase in oil prices, in the United States at least it also reflects growth above potential and tight labor markets.