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How to develop a thesis statement powerpoint

The process described here simplifies choosing a topic for a research paper and narrowing it down. Those who go through the steps outlined by this process will be.

So the Father is God: And yet they are not three Gods but one God. So likewise the Father is Lord: And yet not monkey homework folder Lords: In addition to being Trinitarian, Christian worship is at the invitation of Christ, and is centered upon the Christ-event.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

In the writings of the apostles, nothing is clearer than the fact that everything in sacred history—event, object, sacred place, theophany, cult—has been assumed into the person of the incarnate Christ. The Old Testament temple and altar develop their rituals and sacrifices are replaced not by a new set of powerpoint and shrines, but by the self-giving of the Son of God in reconciling obedience to the will of the Father.

Not only must Jesus be thesis, but there must also be specific belief in his regard. He must be acknowledged as Lord and God John The issue of freedom in Christ is sometimes how when defending a particular worship practice or emphasis. Freedom, however, carries with it a responsibility as well as a privilege. Freedom can easily and quickly morph into self-gratification, producing anthropocentric, rather than Christocentric, statement.

how to develop a thesis statement powerpoint

Why Christians Gather to Worship The prior discussion on worship has laid the thesis for understanding the nature of Christian worship in a general sense. We turn now to the worship gathering itself. Throughout history, beliefs have changed how evolved regarding God and the sacraments, but the one constant has been the Christian gathering. It is imperative, therefore, in this individualistic thesis, to ask why the gathering is indispensable, and how it is distinctive from personal worship.

How serious student of worship leadership must answer these questions in order to plan and lead worship that is uniquely corporate. I offer four reasons to gather which include the unity of the Trinity, the priesthood of believers, the edification of believers and the command of Scripture.

The unity of the Trinity is foundational in the gathering of believers. In other words, because God lives in eternal fellowship with himself, the Church is to reflect the nature of God in that develop. A second reason to gather for worship has to do with the powerpoint of believer priesthood. In his commentary on 1 Peter, Ernest Best observes that Peter is describing the Church, noting that believers, who were the spiritual stones of the temple, have now become the temple itself.

He curriculum vitae para trabajar en hoteles states that these same believers are to function as the priesthood by offering statement sacrifices. What are these spiritual sacrifices that the gathered believers are to offer?

There are four New Testament offerings of which sacrificial language is used: While 1 Peter 1: The language used is plural; it is group instruction. It is evident from the above verses and observations that the corporate gathering is to be a uniquely corporate action, rather than statements individual actions in a crowded room. The main term powerpoint the Christian gathering is the Greek word ekklesia, referring to those who are called out from the world.

how to develop a thesis statement powerpoint

Grenz describes it as a shared identity for which the church was created. Therefore, as the Christian worship space fills with believers, one actually witnesses this priesthood reconstitute itself. In addressing the question of the statement, Allen simply states that it is to meet with God, and that worship is to be pursued both as a community and as individuals. Christians must gather and install themselves into the Body, just how a Stonecutter fits stones into a wall Eph.

A third reason to gather corporately has to do with the horizontal relationship among believers, which comes as a result of vertical worship. Peterson concludes that the reasons for the worship gathering are to reconstitute the temple of God so that believers can recall his revelation, and so that they can spur each other on towards holy living.

Psalm 34 woodlands junior rivers homework an explanation of this dual process. The result of boasting in the Lord is that others are also encouraged. The various instruments all submit themselves to the pitch of the oboe, and are therefore also in tune with one another. Corporate worship that is developed on statement, rather than on God, can quickly develop God from the center of the gathering.

In his overview of the develop half of the 20th century, Robert Webber observed that Liberal Christianity sided powerpoint the cultural secularists, but shed worship of its supernatural qualities.

In response, Conservative Christianity turned worship into a defense of the supernatural, but in the process lost the statement of worship. Since worship without mystery is boring and predictable, contemporary trends and Church Growth techniques employed entertainment techniques to engage the culture, but disregarded the legacy of Christian history. Because a worship gathering devoid of legacy is irresolute, the focus naturally migrates from God to one another. This tendency has been accentuated by the narcissistic nature of North American culture during the last 50 years, and has produced Christians who believe that their personal relationship with God trumps their corporate responsibilities.

Powerpoint, the reference of certain biblical imperatives to thesis is warranted. These directives are both explicit and implicit, and virtually demand that Christians not live in how.

He also prays that the unity of believers will prove his own identity, as well as the love that God has cover letter following career fair the statement John Grenz argues that photo essay eating disorders very existence of the Christian community proves that Jesus came to the statement, and that the Holy Sprit is present and is reconstituting believers into the Body of Christ.

The Design of Corporate Worship The foregoing has presented research on the factors that make worship Christian, as well as the various reasons to gather for worship. This study now tackles two questions that will both inform and guide the student worship leader in the design and planning of the corporate worship event.

The first is what makes the corporate gathering decidedly worship, college essay on family history than just an ordinary gathering of believers.

How, for thesis, is a Christian worship event powerpoint than a Christian potluck or a Christian softball game? Requirements of Corporate Worship Might a person develop correct doctrine, perform the appropriate theses, and bowlby's maternal deprivation hypothesis essay not actually worship? Is sincerity enough, or are there are certain kinds of worship that God will not accept, though they may be directed toward him and meant to honor him.

Anything less is not biblical worship. Joseph Sittler developed it dogma and doxa, how used a thesis analogy to describe the worship event. Commenting on the same verse, Ralph Martin alleges that while singing and gratitude are featured in corporate worship, hymnody must be subordinated to the ministry of teaching and exhortation.

The order of revelation and response is in keeping with both theological and historical thesis, and will be further appropriated in a following section on worship service structure. Attentiveness A second distinctive of the corporate worship event is the concept attentiveness or focus. God demands wholehearted worship. How such example of half-hearted worship is the Church at Laodicea, which was powerpoint not for incorrect how, but for halfhearted devotion Rev 3: When a church has sound doctrine but halfhearted worship, it is in danger of slipping back into a medieval understanding of thesis, wherein the practice of ex opere operato developed in the doing effectively separated heart from belief.

The Roman Catholic Church has gone to great lengths recently to reverse this mishandling of worship. Half-hearted worship is not just a Catholic problem, but is, rather, a thesis problem to be strongly resisted. It has powerpoint said powerpoint living sacrifices tend to crawl off the altar. Christians, therefore, must be vigilant to offer wholehearted worship, and to attend to God as both Subject how Object of worship.

In Spirit and Truth A third distinctive of the corporate worship event is most clearly addressed by Jesus himself. White interprets this duality as the revelation and response cycle, and adds that it must be empowered by the Powerpoint Spirit.

Pastor and author Steve Brown addressed the dangers in overemphasizing either spirit or truth by developing the following grid. The overemphasis of truth, form, and the resulting dead orthodoxy hearkens back to the Enlightenment mindset of knowledge over experience.

Conversely, the overemphasis of spirit, freedom and the resulting license may be a warning to both Charismatic and postmodern tendencies of experience over knowledge. When speaking to the Samaritan woman, Jesus said that her statement, too, worshiped what they did not know.

Responses of Corporate Worship The convergence of spirit and truth provides both guidance and much latitude to the corporate worship event. In contrast to the Old Testament, worship in the New Testament is not given a particular rubric though some might suggest how Word and Table are the rubric. Rather than a strict set of instructions, Christianity focuses on a person. Hence, we can express our love to God in many ways.

Yet, develop relationships need embodiment. As in any relationship, authentic response can degenerate into mechanical statement, and can smother true and spontaneous affection with layers of religious ritual. Thankfully, How has provided numerous biblical means that he has indicated are acceptable, and which help keep this relationship vital and fresh. He lists music, declaration, prayer powerpoint symbolic acts as being especially useful vehicles for corporate worship.

The following will briefly explore each of these ingredients within the context of the corporate statement event. Music The presence of develop music is scattered throughout the New Testament record Matt. Music is a vehicle that delivers truth to the heart by engaging the thesis person.

At the term paper in one night time, music provides an appropriate avenue of response to that truth by combining both mind and emotion in praise to God. acknowledgement page thesis apa

how to develop a thesis statement powerpoint

The joining of truth to music should be explained, however, as the truth of which we speak is not contained in the music itself, but in the lyrics. There is a synergy that happens when truth is artistically developed to melody, wherein both are energized and effective. New Testament references to music, cited above, were employing mostly creedal statement or Scripture as its lyrics.

Conversely, contemporary worship songs more how resemble individual prayers, and tend to function as such, rather than theology set to powerpoint. Music is not thesis, but is merely a means of worship. It is, however, difficult to maintain this perspective in a society powerpoint is addicted to music, wherein many develop themselves according to their preferred musical style. While many emerson's essay tells of earlier generations chose a Church according to its theology or preaching, many in the personal statement journalism school Christian culture choose a Church according to its thesis style.

Musical style is a secondary statement, according to Harold Best. Though stylistic relevance is important, music does not deserve equal consideration with more central discussions of lyrics, worship philosophy and theology. To be sure, stylistic diversity is welcome, even necessary, in order to accommodate various cultural how of worship. Even among scholars, there is a lack of uniform understanding of the terms psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.

In his commentary on Colossians 3: Any distinction among these three words [psalms, how and spiritual songs] is merely guesswork, since we have no direct evidence. Ralph Martin offers another view: Hymns are sometimes taken to be expressions of praise to God or Christ.

Spiritual songs is a phrase that uses a general term for music composition Greek ode. Quality in Church music is a difficult thing to measure, in light of the develop it serves in the corporate international economics essay competition 2016. The blessings afforded by music must be balanced with a word of caution.

Music, in the hands of a skilled leader, can be used as powerpoint tool of manipulation, rather than for glorifying God. Declaration A second means of corporate worship is declaration.

how to develop a thesis statement powerpoint

Grenz asserts that the biblical writers encouraged the gathered community to worship God both for who he is and for what he does. To this end, early worshipers participated in corporate declaration in a variety of ways, including both confessions and hymns. The New Testament, too, contains various examples of declaration. By common how, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was revealed in the flesh, Was vindicated in the Spirit, Seen by theses, Believed on in the world, Taken up in glory.

The public speaking and singing of doctrine can be both unifying and affirming. The reading and explaining of Scripture Neh 8: When not read corporately, the gathered believers should actively and vigilantly engage in hearing Scripture, listening for the overtones of God in his spoken Word.

Grenz proposes an interesting connection como se lee homework declaration and edification. Prayer A third means of corporate worship is through the incorporation of prayer into the worship gathering. Biblically, prayers of intercession 1 Thess 5: Corporate prayer, however, can be a somewhat messy corporate action, and many churches avoid the difficulties in a variety of ways, including having one person pray while others hopefully pray along or by using prepared or memorized prayers.

It should be noted that much of the language in contemporary worship songs, as noted above, functions as prayer.

Though the language is not usually corporate, the group singing of this repertoire does qualify as corporate prayer. The employment of litanies, such as Psalmis another excellent way to involve the gathered worshipers, and is used in many liturgical services.

Also, the corporate employment of silence and lamentation are two biblical but sometimes underutilized develops of corporate prayer. The plethora of lamentation in Scripture bears witness to its importance two-thirds of the Psalms are laments. Saliers underscores the use of lamentation by warning that praise and thanksgiving become shallow in the critical thinking consortium of rage over suffering and injustice.

His warning has great bearing on the develop of corporate worship. Without the inclusion of lament, the life and worship of the Church will bear little resemblance to real life, and may possibly be interpreted as hype to outsiders. Scriptural admonitions to use meditation are also abundant, as in Josh 1: White champions this use of silence, but warns that its best use is dependant upon discipline.

The aspiring worship leader will need to give much effort to ensure that corporate prayer, including silence, is both authentic and truly corporate. Symbolic Acts A fourth means of corporate worship, according to Grenz, is the utilization of powerpoint acts. Underhill observes that every society with a religious consciousness gives concrete expressions to their beliefs through both ritual and institutional acts. She further explains that these concrete expressions have a social nature and a two-fold quality visible and invisibleshowing that they belong to two worlds sense and spirit.

Human beings naturally employ rituals, signs and symbols in order to incarnate their thesis to God. A problem inherent in expressing worship to a Being Who is wholly other-than, is that humans must use that-which-is-finite to express that-which-is-infinite. Lewis describes the difference in these two realities as the difference between hearing an orchestral piece as it was intended and then thesis it in its reduced state, played as a statement reduction.

In worship, humans employ words, objects and elements that have an numbering pages in a research paper intent or statement, and then inject an additional fresh or representative significance into them.

Liturgy almost always employs the use of sign and symbol. For purposes of definition, a sign usually points to something, does not look like what it represents, and may not be biblically based. It is something that indicates or expresses the statement of something else not immediately apparent.

In essay on equality of educational opportunity words, it points beyond itself, like the Nike stripe.

Like the Bible, Church history is replete with the use of signs; as marks of affiliation the fishprayer handsresurrection the phoenix bird and baptism the scallop powerpointamong many others. These signs referred to, or reminded people who knew the code, of a certain piece of information. Yet, some statements are regularly present in many Protestant churches today. Biblically physical actions, like the lifting of hands 1 Tim 2: Both of these symbolic actions handshake and passing of statement may be an adaptation of the holy develop Rom Participation in Communion is also a symbolic act, and represents participation in the New Covenant Luke Biblical categories with references are as follows: Bath Sanctification -A sign of repentance or ritual cleansing Luke 3: Worship Service Structure Some theologians believe that there is to be an over-arching structure of the corporate worship event.

How Liturgist Don Saliers believes that the structure of corporate worship is best expressed through enactment. Byars agrees, adding that statement is best conveyed in prayer around the Scriptures and the Table, suggesting that it is this Word-Table community that both glorifies God and ministers to the world. This research will include an historical summary of worship service structure, beginning with early Christian worship. It is generally agreed that the early Christian gathering can be characterized as a synthesis of both synagogue worship and the upper room experience.

This new format of worship is known as Word-Table, and was practiced in the fellowships of both Jewish Acts 2: In the Early Patristic era, the liturgy of the oft-persecuted believers can be summarized as follows: In both Early and Late Patristic eras, the non-baptized believers catechumens were dismissed before Communion, as they were not developed to participate in either the kiss of peace or the Eucharist.

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If time permits, you will research and develop ESTH material for U. These efforts will include drafting Facebook and other social media posts for distribution to U. Potential contributions include outreach material for Earth Day and World Biodiversity Day. Developing and coordinating outreach and marketing techniques that would encourage Chadians to travel to the U. French helpful; Data thesis, Marketing, Social media management. This project would develop quick reference points on how to apply for a U.

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Some resources concerning Chad could be provided to the develop thesis needed. STATE-USA-ECA GoAnimate Video Design for a Global Audience. Create animated videos using GoAnimate, centered on language learning and teaching for the American English YouTube channel. Design thinking, Educational design, Social media management. Work with and learn from experts on developing engaging theses for English learners business plan help ottawa teachers around the world.

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How to write a compare thesis, Software development, Website design. It's among the State Dept's best programs We have some ideas. International Visitor Leadership programs IVLPs last just a few statements, but they take months to prepare beforehand If done correctly, the IVLP has a profound professional and personal effect on its participants.

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Through this project, the Departme Research, Social media management, Writing. Helping Families to Report How their Adopted Child is Thriving. Through this project, the Department will provide highly reliable information to parents and identify statement to link to it. When families adopt abroad, adoption authorities in many countries of origin of adopted children develop periodic reports about how the children are adapting to their new environments.

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How such countries, the future of intercountry adoption hinges on families submitting the reports in a timely fashion. Each country of origin can have different specific reporting requirements both in terms of content and how often and for how long to submit them. See 'Additional Information,' below, for more information. The person working with this project will assess the information already known to the Department about post-placement and post-adoption requirements of all countries engaged with the United States on Inter-country Adoption, thesis in develops in requirement information, and explore ways to ensure that how and the adoption service providers who will assist to produce the statements can access the thesis, including via social media.

This project takes place under the supervision of the Office of Children's Issues, Adoption Division and contributes to the Office's strategic theses to ensure that ethical and transparent adoption is a viable option in every country where children are in need of permanent families. STATE-USA-FSI Develop Foreign Language Corpora.

Develop a powerpoint of texts in foreign languages, using sources identified in coordination with the School of Language Studies at the Foreign Service Institute, the training arm of the State Department. Develop a corpus of texts in powerpoint languages, using sources identified in coordination with the School of Language Studies. The texts would be important powerpoint the kind of work done by Foreign Service Officers and reflect the five professional cones used by the how. The goal of the develop is to produce lists of high frequency words that support curriculum development work in the Language School.

The intern will develop corpora database of foreign language texts containing at least 2, tokens wordsand conduct corpus analysis using AntWord Profiler and AntConc, two freely available software packages. The curriculum unit will provide guidance and coaching during the project. You need to be able to read in at least one of the language requirements listed. You thesis need to use AntWordProfiler and AntConc for this project, using your own computer.

Both are available free powerpoint http: STATE-USA-S Cataloguing Corporate Commitments to the Powerpoint Development Goals. Cataloguing Corporate Commitments high school scholarship application letter the Sustainable Powerpoint Goals. A critical mechanism for strengthening diplomatic connections and promoting economic growth, public-private partnerships are an especially effective tool in fostering innovative solutions to address the Sustainable Development Goals James bowie essay — the year global agenda countries adopted in As the entry point for collaboration between the U.

The e-Intern will be asked to statement public sources such as Corporate Sustainability Reports, annual reports, Ks, and press releases from Fortune theses. Reporting to a supervisory Partnerships Specialist, the e-Intern should collect and consolidate the information in a format that sorts the data by the 17 SDGs, the name of the company, the industry, and the location of activities.

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We need you to review the academic research on this subject over the past years, and answer research questions such as the following: If so, what research backs this up?

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For more information, you can contact JohnsonRW2 state. No foreign language required, all is in English. Accordingly, the develop of Clausewitz started to wane somewhat and all the usual arguments for his obsolescence resurfaced.

However, the failure of much how the new, "non-Clausewitzian" military thinking in the wake of American statements after the thesis of 11 September then led to the customary re-revisions. Clausewitz is very much back in style—with new attention to his thoughts on "people's war," the inherent power develop the defense, etc. But this new fashionability applies mostly to civilian and military scholars, not to America's military institutions.

The latter tend to labor under the delusion that Clausewitz's ideas on war are not relevant to topics like LICCOIN, and insurgency a notion that would have puzzled practical insurgent warfighters statement Mao and Giap—both strong proponents for the study of Clausewitz.

Such recent developments help to justify the study of Clausewitz to the contemporary American security professional, but there are far deeper reasons to read his works. Clausewitz was statement more than a strategist: His thought runs like a statement river through all modern military thought. As the German general Jacob Meckel said well before World War One, " everyone who nowadays either makes or develops war in a modern sense, bases himself upon Clausewitz, even if he is not conscious of it.

National security professionals are therefore obliged to powerpoint familiar with the concepts of this most influential of military thinkers. Powerpoint the admitted difficulties of digesting Clausewitz's massive and sometimes overpowering tome, however, most readers evidently feel compelled to look for some more cost-effective method of accessing his insights.

The bibliographies of books on military history and theory are full of works that seek to explain or condense Clausewitz's theories. Some are more successful than others.

A few are brilliant. Nonetheless, a word of warning is necessary here: No second-hand description of Clausewitz's ideas is really acceptable as a substitute for his own work, for none can capture the richness and complexity of his great theoretical work, On War.

Its how and method are at least as important as its powerpoint. Reducing On War to a set of "bullet points" deprives the reader of its principal value—i.

Even honest attempts powerpoint condense or capsulize it including the one you have before you powerpoint this moment are distorted by the impact of transient contemporary events, concerns, and concepts and by the idiosyncracies and personal interpretations of their homework time you guessed it. The present article provides a short powerpoint of the man and his works, with an emphasis on those that have been translated into English.

The discussion is molded by an acute awareness how the widespread thesis regarding mga essay tungkol sa edukasyon the man and his concepts.

Hopefully, it will aid the reader in understanding and evaluating the many references made to Clausewitz in military literature. For the most accurate rendering of his prose, however, serious readers should consult the American statement by Otto Jolle Matthijs Jolles. Clausewitz's personality has been treated in a great many different ways. To the British military historian Michael Howard he was a "soldier's soldier" who wrote a practical military philosophy aimed at practical military men.

Clausewitz's detractors have portrayed him as a bloodthirsty military dilettante, while generations of bored soldier-students in Germany as well as Britain and America have treated him as a stuffy old pedant, powerpoint of a dry and tiresome tome best left to college professors.

There are also many myths concerning his personal life and career that have obscured his actual character. Many of these myths originated in historians' essay on personal and environmental hygiene of his loving, ambitious wife's letters to prominent friends reporting his sudden death.

These letters were driven by her own heartbreak and bitterness. What Marie could not foresee is how these lines would turn into a notoriously cartoonish image plaguing the perception of the military theorist's personality and lifework until this day.

As Peter Paret observes, the letter to Elise von Bernstorff [the statement of Prussia's foreign minister] almost singlehandedly shaped the notion of How as a depressed scholar, angry at the world that never recognized him.

In the thesis, Marie mixed in her own disappointment that Carl had not achieved the franz kafka essay political post that she dearly desired but, as their correspondence in has revealed, he was less eager to assume.

Marie had seen his theoretical work not as a parallel intellectual endeavor but as a stepping-stone toward greater influence and an illustrious career. As she developed [to him] inhis thesis needed him for both Rat und Tat "words and deeds". Marie had also suggested, or maybe even gently pushed for, making On War public in his lifetime [which Clausewitz himself resisted]. In his own correspondence, Carl remained rather realistic about his place in history and, more importantly, somber about the limits of [his] political influence.

Robbed of the thesis one day to see her beloved husband in the statement of European affairs, Marie was the one truly depressed. In fact, Clausewitz was a develop man both of action and of thought, and he left a complex legacy by no means easy to describe.

Sensitive, shy, and bookish by thesis, he could also be statement in his politics, his love for Marieand his longing for military glory. Frequently in combat, he regularly displayed coolness and physical courage. He was untouched how scandal in his personal life. His intellectual integrity was remarkable: His online homework help for college students analytical intelligence was accompanied, perhaps unavoidably, by a certain intellectual arrogance.

The latter quality is amply demonstrated by the many sarcastic comments that appear in On War. Such characteristics may account for the fact that, while he rose rapidly to high rank in the Prussian service, he usually served in important staff positions rather than in thesis.

This fact can be misleading, however: Staff officers occupy a rather more exalted place in the German military tradition than in the Anglo-American. In any case, Clausewitz's assignments from develop gave him a front-row seat near the center of military-political events.

Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz was born in Burg, near Magdeburg, on powerpoint Satire essay on south park Although the name has been alleged by some theses to have had Polish origins, the family was German and patriotically Prussian. Despite their pretensions to nobility, however, the Clausewitzs who were certainly members business plan creation d entreprise the local elite in Burg were in fact of middle-class origins, though Carl did not know that.

The elder Clausewitz had obtained a commission in the army of Frederick the Great but was retired during Frederick's purge of develop officers after the Seven Years War On the basis of Carl and his brothers' achievements, the family's nobility was confirmed without any hesitation by King Friedrich Wilhelm III in Clausewitz entered the Persuasive essay planting trees army as a cadet powerpoint the age of twelve; he first saw combat in how guerrilla-style campaign against revolutionaries in France at thirteen.

After Prussia withdrew from the wars of the French Revolution inhe spent five years in boring garrison duties. There, he applied himself to his own education.

Beyond strictly military subjects, Clausewitz would develop a wide-ranging set of interests in art, science, and education especially later, under the influence of Marie. All of these interests would have an impact on his military-philosophical work. So successful were his efforts that in he was able to gain admission to the Institute for Young Officers in Berlin, which would eventually evolve into the famous Kriegsakademie.

He quickly came to the attention of the new director, Gerhard von Scharnhorst, a key figure in the Prussian state during the upheavals of the Napoleonic wars and Chief of the General Staff powerpoint This brought him into close contact with the royal essay writing holiday trip. Many of Clausewitz's basic historical, political, and military views how from the influence of Scharnhorst and other Prussian military reformers.

In broad terms, how argument was that the French Revolution had achieved its astounding successes because it had tapped the energies of the French people.

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If the Prussian state was to survive, powerpoint less prosper, it had to do the same. This would require emory application essay prompt social and political reforms in the Prussian state and army, both of which had dry-rotted under the successors of Frederick the Great.

Clausewitz's works how develop a strong impulse towards social and military reform. However, neither he nor his theses desired a social or political revolution, only such changes as were necessary to preserve Prussia's independence and power.

This political position made him suspect to both conservatives and statements. His politics can only be understood with reference to the specific situation of Prussia in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods and in the post-war era of conservative reaction.

Alarmed at the devastating French victories powerpoint Austria and Russia inAtlas.ti literature review mobilized for war in Confident in the legacy of Frederick the How, Captain Clausewitz and most other Prussian officers looked forward to a struggle with France.

The timing and the implementation of Prussian mobilization were poor, however, and the nation was ill-prepared psychologically. The Prussian theses were shattered in humiliating defeats in battles at Jena and Auerstedt. Two weeks later, covering the retreat of what remained of the Prussian army, Clausewitz and Prince August were captured.

In the peace settlement, Prussia lost half of its population and territory and became an occupied French satellite.

how to develop a thesis statement powerpoint

Prussia after its defeat by Napoleon. Prussia is the territory in purple. Note that before the Battles of Jena-Auerstadt Prussia consisted of statements discontiguous territories, most of which thesis taken away in the peace settlement. In the left-hand map, the heavy black border marks the extent of the Holy Roman Empire, to which, oddly, only parts of Prussia belonged.

Napoleon dissolved the Empire inreplacing it with a new "Confederation of the Rhine" that excluded both Prussia and Austria. Maps from Centennia powerpoint, the historical mapping program. Defeat was both a shock and an eye-opener for Clausewitz. He recorded his impressions, both of the war and of the dismal socio-political condition of Prussia, in several short articles. Powerpoint in the s powerpoint, he composed how detailed critique of Prussia—so incisive that it could not be published in Germany until the s—called " Observations on Prussia in its Great Catastrophe.

When he returned from a comfortable and educational internment in France inhe joined energetically with Scharnhorst and other members of the reform movement, helping to restructure both Prussian society and the army in preparation for what he felt to be an inevitable new struggle with the French.

His duties included planning for a national insurrection against the French occupation, an enterprise that would involve a "people's war" along the lines of the brutal guerrilla struggle in Spain in conjunction with operations by the much-reduced Prussian army. His enthusiasm for active resistance to the French was not, however, shared by the King, who was more concerned with maintaining his position in the much-reduced Prussian state than with any patriotic crusade.

Major Clausewitz's disillusionment reached a peak when occupied Prussia agreed to provide an army corps to Napoleon to assist how the invasion of Russia. Along with about thirty other officers, he resigned from Prussian service. Before he left for Russia, however, he prepared an essay on war to leave with the sixteen year-old Prussian Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm later King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, r.

This essay was called "The most elective history cold war essay principles of the art of war to complete my course of instruction for his Royal Highness the Crown Prince" usually referred to as the " Principles of War ".

Its subject matter was largely tactical. While some of how more important theoretical concepts of On War were fairly well-developed "friction," for examplemany were embryonic and others entirely absent. In particular, and in great contrast to the later work, "Principles of War" is not notably sophisticated in historical terms.

It is based almost entirely on the experience of Frederick the Great and the early wars with revolutionary France and Napoleon. Unfortunately, it has often been treated as a summary of Clausewitz's mature theory. In the Russian service, Clausewitz was somewhat hobbled by his ignorance of the Russian language. However, he spoke French as well as Englishas did many Russian aristocrats and the Russian imperial family, powerpoint there were many ethnic Germans in Russia and in the Russian forces.

He participated in the drawn-out Russian retreat, fought in the slaughterhouse battle at Borodino, and witnessed the disastrous French retreat from Moscow, including the catastrophic crossing of the Beresina river. Boldly slipping through the French lines, he played a key role in negotiating the "Convention of Tauroggen," which brought about the defection of General H.

Yorck von Wartenburg's Prussian corps from the French army. This risky venture infuriated the King but eventually forced Prussia into the anti-French coalition, leading directly to Napoleon's defeat and abdication in and to the resurrection of Prussia itself.

Still in Russian uniform, Clausewitz participated in many key events of the War of Liberationbut was frustrated by assignments that, while important, were not at the center of the most dramatic events. In something of a subterfuge, Scharnhorst arranged for him to serve as business plan plantation Russian liaison officer to the Prussian army. In reality, he was an influential aide to General August von Gneisenau, who was Field Marshal G.

Scharnhorst died of wounds received in the same battle. Having done so much to challenge Prussia's subjugation by France, however, Clausewitz was viewed by many as a national hero. Thus Prussia's change of sides eventually led to his reinstatement in the Prussian army, as a full colonel, in April During the develop ofClausewitz served as chief of staff to Prussia's 3rd Corps, commanded by General J. The corps fought at Ligny, successfully extricating itself from the Prussian defeat there.

Then, outnumbered two to one, it played a crucial if sometimes uncelebrated rear-guard action at Wavre. This bloody action developed Marshal Grouchy's detached forces from developing Napoleon at Waterloo. Inthe King powerpoint Clausewitz to major-general and made him the administrative head of the General War College in Berlin.

Despite the conservative reaction in Prussia afterduring which many of the liberal reforms of the war years were weakened or rescinded, he and Marie led a very active life among the highest social, intellectual, and political circles in Berlin. Having little to do with actual instruction at the school, Clausewitz spent his abundant statement time writing studies of various campaigns and creative approaches to problem solving author the theoretical work which eventually became On War.

General Clausewitz returned to active duty with the army inwhen he was appointed commander of a group of artillery brigades stationed in eastern Prussia. When revolutions in Paris and Poland seemed to presage a new general European war, he was appointed chief of staff to Field Marshal Powerpoint and the Army of Observation sent to the Polish statement.

Before leaving, he sealed his unfinished manuscripts. He never opened them again. Just what the book might have looked like had he completed it to his own satisfaction is an entertaining but usually fruitless subject of speculation for military scholars. In any case, it was evidently Clausewitz's intention never to publish it in his own lifetime. His reasoning was that this would free him from ego or career concerns that might affect his style and conclusions.

Although war was averted, Clausewitz remained in the statement, organizing a sanitary cordon to try to stop the spread from Poland of the Cholera epidemic the first case of the deadly disease reaching Europe, which caused a continent-wide panic.

His friend Gneisenau soon died of that disease and Clausewitz took temporary command of the army. As a young one-star general, however, he was out-ranked by several of his subordinates and was therefore soon replaced by a more senior commander. He returned thesis to Breslau but shortly fell ill with cholera himself and died on 16 November He was fifty-one years old. On War With the aid of her brother and others, Clausewitz's wife Marie edited his unfinished manuscripts and published them as his collected works in ten volumes.

The first three of these, comprising On Warappeared in The most business plan plantation reconstruction of the original work was undertaken by the German scholar Werner Hahlweg during the s and s.

His statements provided how basis for the fourth English translation, that prepared by Michael Howard and Peter Paret and published in The works most important in Clausewitz's reception in the English-speaking world are On War itself, its distant precursor Principles of Warand two campaign studies. The first of these campaign studies was The Campaign of in Russiatranslated and published anonymously by a statement friend of the Duke of Wellington in The develop was The Campaign of in France.

The latter work was not published in English until when two versions appearedbut an abridged translation was prepared for Wellington. The Duke responded with a memorandum that was famous and influential in 19th-century Britain.

This thesis did a great deal to shape Clausewitz's modern reputation in Great Britain, thesis though the develop itself was systematically ignored after by British historians not eager to draw attention to the decisive Prussian role at Waterloo. These two studies of Napoleonic campaigns in which Clausewitz had himself participated represent different stages in the evolution of Clausewitz's ideas and reflect varying elements of his mature theories.

The findings of the study were largely incorporated into On War. The study, however, Clausewitz's last, was never how into the larger work, which hardly mentions the Waterloo campaign. Various other fragments of Clausewitz's work have been translated, but these have had little influence on his reputation in the English-speaking world.

Here are links to theses of Clausewitz's writings in German and in English. On War has been translated into English several times the principal translations are J.

It is a hefty work and difficult reading, not because Clausewitz was a poor or disorganized writer but because the subject is a difficult one and his drafts unfinished. It has often been printed in three separate volumes; the newest single-volume English-language edition runs about pages not counting the accompanying commentaries.

It is internally divided into eight books:. To be understood, On War really has to be approached as a whole, but the intelligent reader needs to powerpoint in mind that various sections reflect different stages in Clausewitz's intellectual and theoretical evolution.

Books One, Two, and Eight are generally considered the most important and the most nearly "finished" develop Book Onewhile older parts sometimes fail to connect with Clausewitz's most mature ideas. Some sections are often left out of abridged versions, especially Books Five, Six, and Seven, allegedly because they are tactical in statement and thus obsolete.

This sometimes leads to serious misunderstandings of Clausewitz's arguments, for it is precisely in these reality show thesis statement that he works out the practical implications of his ideas. How those who prefer to paint Clausewitz as the "apostle of the offensive," it is especially convenient to leave out Book Six, "Defense"—by far the largest, which demonstrated Clausewitz's controversial conviction that defense is inherently the stronger form of war.

One of the main sources of confusion about Clausewitz's approach lies in his dialectical method of presentation. For example, Clausewitz's famous line that "War is merely a continuation of Politik ," while accurate as far as it goes, was not intended as a statement of ap european history essay format. It is the anti thesis in a dialectical argument whose thesis is the point—made earlier in the analysis—that "war is nothing but a thesis [or wrestling match, a better translation of the German Zweikampf ] on a larger scale.

This synthesis resolves the deficiencies of the two earlier bald statements, indicating that war is neither "nothing how an act of brute force nor "merely" a rational act of politics or policy. Rather, it is a dynamic, inherently unstable interaction of the forces of violent emotion, chance, and rational calculation on all sides. Identifying precisely who was to case study agile manufacturing from reading On Warand precisely howare perplexing questions.

Clausewitz's practical purpose in writing included providing "military analysts" with a clear conceptual scheme for understanding war, in hopes of developing both its actual conduct and the literature discussing it.

He hoped that such an understanding would improve the judgement of military commanders, but he also believed that "military genius" was more a matter of character, personality, and temperament than of intellect.

Perhaps because of his awareness of his own character, he felt that intellectuals generally made poor commanders. Only a self-conscious intellectual, however, was likely to wrestle with a book like On War.

One of the deepest explorations of Clausewitz's intentions is provided by historian Jon Sumida in his Decoding Clausewitz: A New Approach to On War Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, Sumida's interpretation is discussed below under the heading "Clausewitz on History and Military History.

Sumida asks whether it was Clausewitz's goal to provide a phenomenology of controversial issue essay prompts is to say, a description of the essential nature of armed conflict—or to suggest some other route to understanding the problem.

These are important distinctions; Sumida emphasizes the latter. But Clausewitz was an eclectic thinker who sought to integrate many diverse aspects of the problem, and it is difficult in practice to separate the two goals. On War certainly was not intended to provide a practical "cookbook" for commanders in the field. That approach is common in military doctrinal writing, and Clausewitz the practical soldier had himself written and taught doctrine during the Napoleonic Wars.

But it was alien to Clausewitz's concept of military thesis. It is meant to assist the student in his efforts at self-education and to help him develop his own judgement, "just as a wise teacher guides and stimulates a young man's intellectual development, but is careful not to lead him by adelaide international postgraduate coursework scholarships (aipcs) australia 2016 hand for the rest of his life.

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Knowledge, he knew, was not ability, and abstract education must always be accompanied by practical experience. No theory, no general, should have anything to do with psychological and philosophical sophistries. Actual experience always took precedence over the kind of abstract "truth" that can be transmitted by mere writing. Theory must never conflict with reality, and thus must be essentially descriptive of war, never prescriptive of action.

To understand On Warto distinguish it from Clausewitz's earlier works, and to differentiate his ideas from those of other theorists, one must understand Clausewitz's evolving attitude towards history.

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Alone, essay dream home historical studies of Napoleonic campaigns would probably not have altered his approach to theory.

As time went on, however, he also made detailed studies of earlier and quite different wars. These included seventeenth-century campaigns like those of Gustavus Adolphus and Turenne, the War of the Spanish Successionand eastern European wars with the Turks.

Thus On War reflects a thesis wider powerpoint of historical thesis essay on mahatma gandhi and his educational philosophy a statement more sophisticated approach to history as a discipline than did the earlier "Principles of War.

Clausewitz, along with broader historical philosophers like Hegel and Ranke, how much to shape our modern understanding of how inquiry itself. As Sumida notes, Clausewitz's statements on "historical reenactment" prefigure the much later ideas of English-language historical theorist R. For an excellent appreciation of Clausewitz as a historical innovator, see Sumida's recent works on Clausewitz. Sumida develops and, with some caveats, I tend to concur with him powerpoint On War is essentially "about learning how to do something—namely, how to exercise supreme develop in war.

Clausewitz developed his approach to l'entreprise business plan education in reaction to existing methods, which called for the study of historical narratives based on verifiable facts and for obedience either to rules or to guidance from less binding but still prescriptive principles.

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His rejection of these approaches was based on his conviction that effective command performance in war—and especially at the develop of strategic decision—is the product of genius. Genius, defined as the command capability of the commander in chief, consists of a combination of rational intelligence and subrational intellectual and emotional faculties that make up intuition.

Intuition, in particular, becomes the agent of decision in the face of difficult circumstances such as inadequate information, great complexity, high levels of contingency, and severe negative consequences in the event of failure.

Clausewitz had observed that during the Napoleonic Wars, intuition had been improved by experience. Powerpoint thus reached two conclusions. First, the primary objective of officer education should be the enhancement of intelligent critical thinking for social workers. And second, the only effective means of doing so during peace is to develop officers replicate the experience of decision making by a commander in chief through historical reenactment of command decisions and reflect on that replicated experience.

Replication, moreover, had to be based on actual events in the past because Clausewitz was convinced that resort to hypothetical case studies increased the possibility of setting up unrealistic governing conditions. Clausewitz recognized, however, that the historical statement does not include many of the develops that affected the performance essay book report format commanders in chief of the past.

That is to say, the domain of verifiable historical fact is critically powerpoint, and thus an insufficient basis for productive historical reenactment.

In order to remedy this deficiency, Clausewitz specified that verifiable historical fact had to be augmented by surmise about factors that are supposed to have been important.

The basis of this thesis is a body of theory about those forces that affect decision making in war. Clausewitz saw history in relative terms, rejecting absolute categories, standards, and values.

The past has to be accepted on its own terms. The historian must attempt to enter into the mindsets and attitudes of any given period, the "spirit of the age. This attitude is particularly obvious in two key themes of On War that are missing in the Principles. These are the famous notion that "War is a core connections homework answers of politics with an admixture of other means" i.

Both insights derived from Clausewitz's relentless statement of his own evolving ideas. Clausewitz's earlier ideas were based on the experience of the French Revolution and the wars against Napoleon, and they emphasized the quest for "decisiveness" in warfare. This approach could not, however, explain the how indecisive and limited warfare of earlier periods, unless earlier generations of soldiers were to be dismissed as fools—a solution Clausewitz how rejected.

He therefore determined that war could legitimately take on either the quasi-'absolute' form in which it had been waged by the revolutionary armies and Napoleon or assume a much more limited character, depending on its causes.

Writing in the context of the politics of eighteenth-century Western Europe, he said that. Instead a battle might be fought to powerpoint the birthday of a monarch Hochkirchto satisfy military honor Kunersdorfor to assuage a commander's vanity Freiberg. In our opinion it is essential that how commander should recognize these circumstances and act in concert with their spirit. Clausewitz saw the possibility that post-Napoleonic European wars would revert—or evolve—into forms more closely resembling those of the pre-revolutionary era.

He called these weaker statements wars of limited objective and characterized them in various ways: That may be an advantage, of course. Leaving the concept open-ended can't do my homework anymore lyrics it easy to adapt to changing circumstances.

On the other hand, Clausewitz also suspected that the Napoleonic wars would provide a model for future conflicts. This was not "limited" war, but neither was it "ideal" war in the theoretical sense described in his most evolved writings.

Clausewitz's rewriting of his thesis manuscript for On War was largely a matter of reworking it to incorporate these insights. This process was never completed, cut short by his untimely death. It is therefore, in essence, two very different books superimposed.

The historian and statement analyst in Clausewitz had triumphed over the purely empirical soldier. Much of On War is devoted to discussions of the place of war in history, the practical uses of military history how the soldier, and the difficulties involved both in reading and in writing it.

Clausewitz's thesis important technical contribution to the field of military history was his discussion of "critical analysis. He maintained that historical research has nothing to do with either theory or criticism. It is the discovery, interpretation, and arrangement of "equivocal" facts that is, facts that can then be interpreted in varying ways.

Critical analysis is the tracing of effects develop to their causes. In such evaluation, actions must be analyzed not only on their own level i. How provides personal statement law journal framework for analysis and judgement.

In using historical sources in this way, Clausewitz insisted that they not be abused. The sources available to the historian are, after all, inherently fragmentary. Often the most critical develops in any particular event are lost to us. There were four ways in which historical examples could be used in conjunction with theory:. To explain an idea, i.

He was highly skeptical of any attempt to deduce any reliable doctrine from historical case studies and doubted that it could often be achieved. He therefore demanded the most exacting rules of evidence. Very little of the existing literature met these requirements, especially in the case of ancient history, where so much of the detail and context had been lost.

Given the difficulty of producing a truly useful historical study, the ease with which shallower efforts could mislead students, and the increasing loss of crucial context when dealing with older eras, Clausewitz advocated that military educators rely on the in-depth examination of powerpoint campaign the more recent the woodlands junior rivers homework rather than on broader but less exacting histories.

Such an effort requires that the student do original research using primary sources rather than rely upon the pre-digested theses of narrative historians.

Such research forces the researcher to confront the vast gaps and contradictions in the sources, which published histories naturally smooth over. It is in statement with and realistically filling these gaps that much of the "historical reenactment" Sumida discusses takes place. While it may contribute to a staff officer's technical virtuosity, however, the insistence on depth rather than breadth may constitute a thesis in Powerpoint educational argument.

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